iunderwood wrote:
My advice for starting out is to get intimately familiar with the administrative back end sorts of things: Module Preferences, Blocks Preferences as you code pages and things.
The second thing to learn is how to use Smarty templates.
It never hurts to learn the API, but I have always learned the most when there are other modules to observe. You'll find there are several ways to accomplish things.
Some of my old code was truly disastrous and difficult to modify.
Thank you also to iunderwood, I think I have learned enough about preferences, blocks, admin, smarty, and so on last years translating modules to Spanish, reading the code for hacking some modules like myquiz module to make online timed exams and coding some php pages inside iContent module to create some kind of "custom online courses" for my work.
Now I would like to to code a new quiz module from scratch, and if I learn enough with it, coding some kind of lms, or at least some way for creating a module for managing courses, lessons, documents, exams, curse quality surveys and an easy way for curse admins to add and link forums and its permissions to courses or even one forum for each lesson the way I now do manually by my self.