The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of
XOOPS 2.5.12-Beta-4What's Changed- HTMLPurifier 4.18.0 by @mambax7 in #1492
- version update by @mambax7 in #1495
- fix: #1464 by @GregMage in #1471
- fix #1335 by @mambax7 in #1493
- jQuery UI 1.14.1 by @mambax7 in #1496
- jQuery plugins update by @mambax7 in #1494
- xBootstrap5 theme by @mambax7 in #1499
- move composer files to /xoops_lib, move phpmailer and HTML Purifier t… by @mambax7 in #1498
- various improvements
Please help make XOOPS better by testing and
reporting any issues!
This is a BETA intended for testing only. Do NOT use it in a production site.DOWNLOAD:
If you are downloading this release for testing, please download from the
current master instead.
Any bugs that have been found and fixed will be included in your testing that way, so we all won't keep finding and reporting the same bug over and over.
You can grab the current master here: Changelog:
Hi~Installer can not load \xxx_lib\vendor\xoops