
The cloning of a module

JMorris  16-Sep-2004 14:12 9964 Reads   2 Comment(s) 

11) to finish
Go in the administration of the modules: your clone owes apparaitre without error message. If it is the case, useless to go further!
Install your clone. If you have error messages to the install, note to correct.
Launch your clone. Activate the mode debug php to correct the errors.
Test all the configurations of blocks and functionalities (research, comments, notification).
These tests must be carried out in the 2 cases of figure:
- with the original version installed, to detect conflicts or interactions
- without the original version installed (removed, or temporarily famous repertory) to check that your clone is autonomous, and that certain files do not point on those of origin.

12) current Problems
- Check well that the data of the original are not posted in your clone, or that the insertion of data of the clone is not done in the original. You would have in this case forgotten to re-elect certain references to the tables.

- Fatal error: cannot redeclare... This case was encountered with WFSection at the time of the access to userinfo: the original and its clone do each one a ' include' of groupaccess.php, and the functions of this file bearing the same name, Php refuses of the redéclarer.
It is possible, either to make point the clone on the file groupacces.php original, or to re-elect all the functions of this file, as well as the calls to these functions. This second solution is preferable, because it makes your clone autonomous, and avoids a problem in the event of desinstallation and suppression of the original.
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