6) Blocs
* in xoops_version modify for each block the noun of the functions show and edict.
$$modversion['blocks'][3]['show_func ' ] = "b_news02_top_show";
$$modversion['blocks'][3]['edit_func ' ] = "b_news02_top_edit";
* publish each file of the repertory blocks referred by $$modversion['blocks'][]['file ' ] = and modify the noun of the functions.
Ex with the file news_top.php
function b_news02_top_show($options) {
function b_news02_top_edit($options) {
* Nonessential, but preferable, also change the names of the files in xoops_version, without forgetting to re-elect correctly those in the repertory blocks
$$modversion['blocks'][3]['file ' ] = "news02_block_top.html";
7) Commentaires
* in xoops_version modify the noun of the functions approve and update:
$$modversion['comments']['callbackFile ' ] = ' include/comment_functions.php ';
$$modversion['comments']['callback']['approve ' ] = ' news02_com_approve ';
$$modversion['comments']['callback']['update ' ] = ' news02_com_update ';