Patches and AdditionsPatches:
- Added patch #1162913 - xoops_getLinkedUnameFromId (Mithrandir/hthouzard)
- Added patch #1124749 - Module cache and one-column full-screen display (Mithrandir/phppp)
- Added patch #1105492 - CSS for backend.php (system_rss.html) (Mithrandir/ajaksu2)
- Added patch #1099086 - who's online popup (Mithrandir/banned)
- Added patch #1096514 - Activation of new user (Mithrandir)
- Added patch #1090132 - functions.php, redirect_header (Mithrandir/banned)
- Added patch #1065669 - Slight enhancement to XoopsPageNav::renderImageNav() (Mithrandir)
- Added patch #1052866 - language detection in install.php (Mithrandir/phppp)
- Added patch #989376 - Use REQUEST_URI instead of PHP_SELF generally (Mithrandir/mrmx)
- Added patch #944710 - Extra Cookie for the newbb (Mithrandir/Predator)
- Added patch #912823 - Saving one query per request (Mithrandir/sudhaker)
- Added patch #963071 - Random password generator (Mithrandir/dave_l)
- Added patch #1056514 - SQL Generation Time (Mithrandir/bd_csms)
- Added patch #920059 - XOOPS reports why people can't login (Mithrandir/Herko)
- Added patch #1181607 - Update jsCalendar to 1.0 (Mithrandir/reddshack)
- Added patch #1181328 - Getting rid of negative information on search results page (Mithrandir/frankblack)
- Added patch #1077123 - Make YYYY-mm-dd default for dateboxes when no date passed (Mithrandir/jegelstaff)
- Added patch #1194690 - Show all required fields in every forms (Mithrandir/hthouzard)
- Added patch #919353 - Permanent selectable theme (Mithrandir/frankblack)
- Added patch #1019464 - Extended renderldap function in class criteria (Mithrandir/pemen)
Other fixes:
- Search block now defaults to searching in current module (Mithrandir)
- XoopsPersistableObjectHandler added, making it much easier making database access classes (Mithrandir)
- Fixed rare case, where search results that gave full path would have XOOPS_URL."/modules/dirname" prepended - Only relevant for modules that search other modules (Mithrandir)
- Dynamic User Profiles (Mithrandir/Ackbarr)
- Administration area themeable + new theme (Ralf57)
- Error page when referer is blocked and the user attempts to change content in the database (Mithrandir)
- Configuration categories - modules can now categorise their configuration items (Mithrandir/Malanciault)
- XoopsUser::uname is now used solely for login purposes, real name is used for display on screen (Mithrandir)
- PM functionality moved into a module instead of in the core (Mithrandir/Wanikoo)