
News module version 1.2.1 RC 2

hervet  03-Sep-2004 17:24 5835 Reads   24 Comment(s) 

And here is the upgrade instructions :

1) Upload all files in this package, overwriting the existing files.
2) Update the module in system admin -> modules
3) Launch the following script at least one time :
To be able to launch it, YOU MUST BE AN ADMIN OF THE NEWS MODULE
Once this script has been launched, you can remove it but it's not "vital"
4) If you are using a personalized template set (if you have cloned it for
example) :
Go in admin -> templates. Find the templates set you are using, beside the
name "News" click on the link named "[List (11)]". Find the template called
"news_index.html" then press the link named "[Delete]". In the next screen,
when you see this question "Are you sure that you want to delete this
template data?" validate by pressing "Yes". The previous screen will
reappears and you will see a yellow line, click on the link named

5) If you are using the default template set. First create some test news then
go on the part of your website where your users can see the news (for
example If you can see the test news,
come back to the admin part of your site. Go in the news module's preferences
and for the option named "News Display Layout" select "By topic". Come back
to the visible part of your website (
If you can see your news, ignore the rest of this point, else, if you
can't see the news then, in admin -> templates, beside the default template
set, click on the link named "Clone", give it a name then go in
admin -> preferences, select "General Settings" and in the scrolling list
called "Default template set", select the template you have previously

If you are doing a fresh install, you don't have to do anything from the
previous list.

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