
Simplified URLs Hack

sim_suin  18-Jan-2005 05:07  13781 reads   18 Comment(s) 
This hack Simplified URLs ,which is based on ShotURLs released by reynaldo, converts Xoops URLs into shorter and static ones that can be indexed by search engines.


Quote reynaldo's words;
I've found other hacks that do the same but I didn't like the way the worked because I haven't had good...

GetXoops v1.1

sbkiller  02-Jan-2005 04:29  4080 reads   7 Comment(s) 
Latest version 1.1 (01/01/2005)

GetXoops is an engine enable you to get Xoops CMS fast as possible and easy setup.

- No need to download Xoops CMS
- No need to upload 10mb to your server (extracted)

- Download GetXoops zip file (44kb) only
- Upload it for only 250kb and less (extracted)
- Fast & Save...

Page timer & MySQL counter

brash  17-Nov-2004 11:37  11636 reads   20 Comment(s) 
Got a little distracted this week and as a little side project I have created a smarty insert plugin that displays the page execution time, and MySQL queries generated to render each page. The advantage of using the insert method is that the insert function code is always executed each time it...

Email notification on Private Message

marcan  15-Nov-2004 16:18  9675 reads   32 Comment(s) 
Hello fellow Xoopsers !

The SmartFactory has just published a little hack that suddenly makes my life much easier. Let me explain !

Maybe I'm a bit lazy, but I often don't log to a site unless I need to. This causes an obvious problem : if people send me Private Message, there is a good chance I...

xcGallery RC 1.1 Hack 1.2

vanGoGa  27-Oct-2004 13:22  6109 reads   11 Comment(s) 

1. Adds Movie support to xcGallery
Predefined thumbnails are used for movie files.

2. It is possible to store thumbnails under separate albums/thumbnails directory.
Thumbnails directory name is configurable. If thumbnails directory is not specified,
thumbnails will be stored in the...

xcGallery RC 1.1 Hack

vanGoGa  24-Oct-2004 15:02  4817 reads   7 Comment(s) 
xcGallery RC 1.1 Hack

1. Adds Movie support to xcGallery
When posting AVI movies, it checks for THM file with the same name, to use as thumbnail for AVI file. If no THM file is found, predefined thumbnails are used.

2. Stores thumbnails under separate albums/thumbnails directory. Directory...

AdminArea Revisited beta1 released

ralf57  14-Oct-2004 10:45  5888 reads   35 Comment(s) 
Hi xoopsers,
i've tried to give a new,fresh look to the good-old admin area interface.
I've redesigned the Cpanel from scratch and added new features.It's up to you discovering them...
This release is still beta and has bugs and messy code.
I'd like to receive your feedbacks and suggestions here...

Security check for login/register using visual confirmation

phppp  16-Sep-2004 14:52  8963 reads   26 Comment(s) 
A security check plug-in for xoops register and/or login.

How does it work:
1 The system generates a confirm id associated with a random code and stores it in a db table or in xoops_session table.
2 Meanwhile the random code will also be stored in a temporary file containing scripts protect against...

The cloning of a module

JMorris  16-Sep-2004 14:12  10051 reads   2 Comment(s) 
This article is duplicated/translated with permission from the author.
Translation performed using Translate v0.5.5 for Mozilla Firefox by Paul Grave.

Author: thecat (Claude)
Author's URL: http://thecat.ouvaton.org/
Original Article: The cloning of a module


This guide is written for the users...

XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.2

marcan  12-Sep-2004 11:09  5556 reads   12 Comment(s) 
With the release of XOOPS, I repackaged XOOPS Multilanguages and give you an updated version that will work on XOOPS

You can download this package here : XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.2

As I did with version 1.4.1, I created in the package a folder called XOOPS_2.0.7.3_ ML_1.4.2. This...

XOOPS Multilanguages : Smarty variables ready to be used!

marcan  01-Sep-2004 14:30  4779 reads   No comments 
You are using XOOPS Multilanguages and would like to display at a specifc place the language choice ? The Select your language block does not suit your need ? No problem! XOOPS Multilanguages already have the solution you are looking for!

XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.x provides you with some smarty...

Xoops Auto Login Hack Pack

brash  23-Aug-2004 13:12  9721 reads   7 Comment(s) 
OK, for the lazy among us , there is one file (include/common.php) in the new bugfix release of Xoops that overwrites GIJOE's awesome auto login hack if you have enabled it, so I put this pack together so all you have to do is unrar, upload, and update.

You can download the Auto...

XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.1 is out !

marcan  20-Aug-2004 13:27  4150 reads   No comments 
As for each version of XOOPS since 2.0.6, the release of XOOPS is immediatly followed by the release of a new version of XOOPS Multilanguages !

I hereby give you XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.1 ! You can download it via this link :

Zip Version [478 Ko]

Evennews Bug Fixes #2

tl  17-Aug-2004 13:02  4828 reads   8 Comment(s) 
Until ackbarr releases 2.02 version (hopefully very soon ), anyone uses the newsletter module on a production site is recommended to update.

1) fixed page navigation to show all newsletters in the archives
2) hided newsletter admin email for security measures (preventing email harvesting and...

FCKeditor Integration Pack

ralf57  08-Aug-2004 13:35  8851 reads   13 Comment(s) 
Hi Xoopsers,

I've integrated the well known FCKeditor 1.6 (compatible with IE5.5 + only) into Xoops system. With this pack you'll be able to turn your XOOPS site into an amazing WYSIWYG publishing machine.

The pack includes a detailed tutorial which explains how to use the editor with News,...
« 1 ... 4 5 6 (7) 8 9 10 11 »


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