Welcome to the world of "Sub-Atomica"... Hot on the heels of the success of the XAqua theme I made, which has already notched up over 100 downloads in 2 days, comes a new theme for Xoops: "Sub-Atomica Variation 1".
If anyone is looking for a great looking theme to convert, may I suggest http://www.istoselides.gr/world/. This guy has done a bang up job on a theme that looks a lot like a newpaper theme.
Anyone up for the challenge? It would make a great addition to XOOPS!
Well, I got bored one day, erg, today, and modified the fungku theme (original by pixelmayhem.com, and ported to XOOPS by mywebaddons.com and xendtech.com, thanks guys!!)
Dr_goodman 05-Feb-2002 18:35 4010 reads No comments
There is 43 themes to download and all is modefied for RC2. Does this sound tempting? You can pick them up here
Most of themes are by Xend and, please don't put them up for download on your site. It makes it imposible to count the number downloaded. Instead put up a link in your DL page that...
finalfiler 22-Jan-2002 01:48 4255 reads No comments
This is my first attempt at a theme for XOOPS. The theme is based on the Frontpage theme used at http://www.ccansw.org.au - I am the webmaster there and am currently preparing to move that site XOOPS as well.