Changelog 3.05 July 22nd, 2006 ============= 1 Bugfix for notifying new replies for a specific topic 2 Bugfix for permission check when moving a post 3 Removed inherition of view mode and...
XMLine is a XOOP2.0/2.2/2.3 module for fetching, parsing and displaying XML feeds. Features: 1 Supported feeds: RSSs, ATOM 2 Fetching methods: CURL, fsockopen, fopen. 3 Multi-category 4 User Customable fetching/submit
XMLine will be under maintenance with no new feature introduced. Considering that the...
"planet" is a comprehensive php version of XML feed planet that handles XML feed fetch, parse, display and achive for XOOPS, or: "a flexible feed aggregator. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first."...
The XBS Modgen Module Generator for Xoops is now available in its beta release. We've added a full user documentation set with an example of how and what you need to do to create a simple module. Also added for this release is the ability to define blocks.
Marquee is a Xoops module wich enable you to have blocks containing information on the form of scrolling text. Texts can scroll from right to left and from top to bottom. This new version, whose code was completly rewrited, brings many new features. For example you can dynamically display content...
Generate meta keywords in your Xoops site pages header block on the fly dependent on the content of your page. This requires you to hack footer.php and add one line but beyond that everything else is controlled from the administration screen.
It appears that the Xoopspoll module has been neglected lately so it has been adopted by Panther Software Publishing and added to our xProjects Xoops modules website.
Kshop is a commerce module for xoops. It allows you to sell products using multiple shipping, payment and/or order total plugins. This is a bug fix version that address's that various bugs that have been reported. You can see it in action and download from
xlanguage, eXtensible Xoops Multilingual Content and Encoding Management
it works with all active XOOPS versions and any version of any MODULE with any THEME by inersting one line code to common.php, no need of hack to XOOPS core and modules.
There is a reported vulnerability in the Myads module. Both the Alumni and the Jobs modules were originally created from the myads module. Both modules also have this vulnerability, all versions. However I have fixed both modules acording to zyspec's fix in This Xoops Forum you can either apply...
The SmartFactory just upgraded XOOPS Multilanguages package to support XOOPS 2.0.14.
A download link to the current beta can be found here
Please note that this a beta version and it is not to be installed on a production site. We release it to get your feedback to fix any bugs that may likely...