Glossary module created for Mpn has been adapted for Xoops. This new version (1.5) have a lot of modifications especially for the acces to the database and return page. The Glossary is available in english and french, we have added a install file, and a block whith a random definition... A demo...
Mr_DanGeR 05-Jan-2002 10:48 4353 reads No comments
First of all sorry for my bad english.
I've been using postnuke for quite awhile now. If you going to ask me which permission system I prefer, I surely love xoops permission system. Easy to understand and set but 1 thing that my community site need that xoops don't provide, gallery module. With...
Come check us out. We are still on the hunt for developers and artists. We are trying to support many different Nukes. Also looking for server space. So give us a peek and let us know what you think.
webdesignhq 04-Jan-2002 21:49 4425 reads No comments
Hi there, for some time now I have been developing Flash Modules & Flash Themes ( for Postnuke & PHP-Nuke, and I am just wondering how compatible the XOOPS module & theme system is... compared to Postnuke? I just downloaded the rc1 version, and am installing it, but would like...
NukeShop will be working on a module set for XOOPS. We hope to do them exclusively. We will be dropping support for PostNuke! Check our site here: NukeShop