Some may remember the LIAISE module that allowed to generate contact forms. I have always used this module and I modified this one for needs of my clients.
To know : - Keep track of emails received in administration for each form - Insert a release form element to delimit the thematic...
This module is to be translated in the supporting groups for final candidate packaging for the XOOPS SVN, once you have done the translation the translated signature files as well as the language files have to be package and sent to
Some of you might be already aware of bXpress, a module to create a forum section in XOOPS, with the peculiarity of being very light and easy to use. Well, today's news is that, for some time now, I have been testing it in Xoops México, and so far the results have been satisfactory. Therefore I...
As I said in the last post, some new modules are being made available to the XOOPS community, and first out is a Favicon Module. Originally it was meant as a commercial module, but when I first started using XOOPS, way, way back there, everything was FREE, which I loved. So in that spirit......
Hi, we have moved all modules from our test site to the main domain,, both modules demos and downloads. Also more modules will be added soon. Note! The old modules have not been tested with the latest XOOPS version yet, but hopefully they'll work.
Yes I believe a return to self peer reviewed signing is possible with httpx://. Do you notice how people when you get a SSL Certificate say yes yes all balanced and check, but if they are giving you the signature, they don't even take your Identification....
QuickPages module belongs to a new generation of modules for XOOPS based on Common Utilities. This allows you to better utilize all the cool features currently provided by XOOPS and the power and...
I want to introduce you the new Common Utilities web site, created to provide information about the module and a fixed point for distribution. This site has been created using GitHub pages and its construction still is in progress. Visit rmcommon.comVisit the project on...
Yes I believe a return to self peer reviewed signing is possible with httpx://. Do you notice how people when you get a SSL Certificate say yes yes all balanced and check, but if they are giving you the signature, they don't even take your Identification....