
jQuery's Quick Comment Hack for News Module

Anonymous  13-Dec-2008 19:14  15872 reads   34 Comment(s) 
jQuery's Quick Comment Hack allow your site's visitors to post comments from article page directly.

Quick comment box will display at the bottom of the article instead of Post Comment button.

1. Download jquery.js file ( click here ), then upload it to modules/news/js folder.

2. Add...

Xoops DHTML Hack V 2.6

psindia  22-Nov-2008 15:30  7302 reads   14 Comment(s) 
The new Xoops DHTML Hack V2.6 for Xoops V has been released.
The new version provides you the following features:

* Multi Language Support for Instant Preview
* Support Multiple dhtml box in the same page ( for modules like news,articles etc )

You can download the new hack from

My XOOPS hack with news module

Albin  10-Nov-2008 09:37  19379 reads   63 Comment(s) 
Resized Image

Keep attention to the news module and blocks

XCGAL - Search Patch 1.0

psindia  03-Sep-2008 11:14  7877 reads   4 Comment(s) 
Xcgal Search Patch 1.0

Purpose of the Patch
This patch is created to improve the search feature of the XCGAL module. The patch will include search by category and also search by custom fields (if enabled)

The Patch is developed by Vinod Surendran (psindia) under the guidance and support...

Xoops DHTML Hack V 2.5

psindia  20-Jul-2008 07:54  11133 reads   5 Comment(s) 
The new Xoops DHTML Hack V2.5 for Xoops V has been released.
The new version has fixed some bugs on the movie section (ytube).
The new version carries features like adding alt tag to IMG , align text etc ..

You can download the new hack from


Elven Language Pack - Xoops 2.0.x

wishcraft  12-Jul-2008 21:43  7011 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Resized ImageManke tanya tuula? Mankoi naa lle sinome? This is a complete Xoops 2.0.x Elven Language pack, you can have your core language running in elven, for the complaint little elfie, this means for you new D'n'D site or some of the new games coming out you can have a site in it's original language set....

Official Xoops Smilie Dictionary

wishcraft  18-Jun-2008 04:09  7351 reads   6 Comment(s) 
The official smiley database has been published in the wiki, this is as a guide for smiles when you are extending your smiley database in xoops, I would love to one day see xoops have these all natively but I am unsure who should render them all.

This is the Basic Smiles Not all of these are...

SEO Paths & .htaccess

wishcraft  01-Jun-2008 16:47  17016 reads   17 Comment(s) 
Well as you may have noticed I have been doing some examples in the wiki for .htaccess this is for primarily SEO Clean Paths for xoops, the modules I have chosen for the example in sharing this code is code for CBB (1.5, 2.2, 3.x), News 1.4+ (May work on earlier), myalbum-P, SmartSection 2.2,...

Myalbum random pic in just one line of code

slyss  11-May-2008 17:18  8228 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Hi all

i have written a function to build random pictures blocks (from myalbum-p).

You need to include this into your: root/include/functions.php:

Improve your site speed with php_speedy

sroccidente  12-Apr-2008 02:22  10808 reads   11 Comment(s) 
I don´t know if this will work for everyone, I just want to share what I experienced with this code, I´m not by any means any expert or so, but if work for me perhaps it will work for others, other wise just let me know what do you think

To increase the speed of my site i just do as follow:
I use...

XoopsEditors Compatibility Issues – Fixed

Catzwolf  07-Apr-2008 14:38  6915 reads   8 Comment(s) 
For the longest time, I have been trying to understand the workings of the XoopsEditors. I am not a beginner with PHP or the workings of Xoops, but for the longest time, this issue has bugged me really bad, to the point I wanted to pull my hair out (what is left of it anyway) and I nearly gave...

Use Tinyeditor for creating your blocks in 2.3*

Dylian  04-Apr-2008 14:29  6592 reads   11 Comment(s) 
To use Tinyeditor for creating custom blocks in 2.3 :

Go to root/module/system/admin/blocksadmin/

Make an backup of the blockform.php
and open it.


Search for:
$textarea = new XoopsFormDhtmlTextArea(_AM_CONTENT'bcontent'$block['content'], 1570);

And replace it with:
if ( is_readable(  

Dutch language package for XOOPS 2.3*

Dylian  01-Apr-2008 19:50  6115 reads   5 Comment(s) 
I now its not really an hack but,
here are the dutch language files for XOOPS 2.3*

You can download it HERE

xcgal: "Upload more pictures" and ...

Anonymous  31-Mar-2008 19:21  9867 reads   8 Comment(s) 
Xcgal users will be familiar with the "Upload more pictures" function which allows up to four pictures to be uploaded in one go and will know about xcgal's "click on a keyword" search function which locates all pictures having the chosen keyword. Keywords are therefore a really important tool...

Text wrap Xcgal template

sroccidente  31-Mar-2008 16:17  5566 reads   No comments 
I always have problem with the text in the description area of xcgal module, if you write a long description and do not take care of the breal lines your ouput text will result in a long text line, so I modify the template xcgal_display.html and around the line #29 look for a code like this:
« 1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7 ... 11 »


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