
Xoops Global RSS Hack/Solution

kerkyra  15-Sep-2011 14:40  6843 reads   9 Comment(s) 
This is a modified version of backend.php, that offers one way of gathering rss feeds from every module that you'd like and displaying them.
Resized Image

All you have to do is replace the backend.php file with the one in the download package.

Add a file in the modules folder...

Adding Facebook's Comments Box to XOOPS News Module

Mamba  16-Aug-2011 08:57  12119 reads   18 Comment(s) 
Bigwolf asked recently about where to add Facebook's Comment Box code in the News module. Here is a quick tutorial how to hack the News module to make it happen: 1) You need to create a Facebook Application for your XOOPS site, and fill out all the fields there: Resized Image Make sure that your URL ends...

Individual URL optimization for every page

pw-kw  24-Jun-2011 13:21  686 reads   No comments 
My goal was to optimize the URL line individually for each page:

- regardless of modules
- regardless of file structures
- free text for your URL (SEO)
- individual for every page
- everything ends with .html or what ever you want



Core Maintenance Buttons: SelectBox All None

timgno  02-Jun-2011 09:08  4695 reads   1 comment 
After several times I've backed up, maintenance of cash or one of the tables, I realized that it took so long to select all the options one by one. I said to myself: "Why not create two buttons for selecting and deselecting the total options?", In this VIDEO providing perfect functionality.


Share and Bookmark your News in Facebook

ipwgc  01-Mar-2011 23:31  5550 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Hi, this is my little contribution in order to share or Bookmark your News in facebook.
1. You need the module news version 1.63
2. Add the 3 files below on the news module

3. Download the 3 files...

CKEditor 3.5.1 - Now Supporting JQuery!!

wishcraft  04-Feb-2011 05:12  6342 reads   5 Comment(s) 
CKEditor 3.5.1
Supports JQuery & Ajax

This is CKEditor for XOOPS 2.5 & and upgrade for 2.4, in the orginal release the jquery adapter was never implemented which meant it was not possible to use JSON or AJAX to retrieve or set the value of the editor with Javascript.

This is CKEditor 3.5.1 with...

Ajax File Uploading 1.01 - Form Object

wishcraft  04-Feb-2011 04:44  6103 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Ajax File Uploading 1.01
Form Object for XOOPS 2.4 & XOOPS 2.5

This is a replace for the XoopsFile object that allows for files to be uploaded without refreshing the page. That means you can recieve a file before the form is submitted.

This is good for any preview environment that offers a wide...

News Headlines Hack

heyula  01-Feb-2011 12:32  4731 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Resized Image

For news headlines hack...

Add the php code to mark it as private as a block


image for the path



Team Xoops-Tr



TDMpicture 1.5 Xoops-Tr.Com Hack Edition

hacamat  23-Oct-2010 12:26  4592 reads   1 comment 
Hi All;

This TDMpicture 1.5 fixed hacamat and bandit-x.
Thanks for help Bandit-x.

Download Link HERE

1- category deleted and not delete pictures tables--- fixed
2- some link errors --fixed

Module tested.

good lock (I cant speak english sory :) )

you can edit...

Manage Error Page

timgno  04-Oct-2010 14:46  4981 reads   6 Comment(s) 
I created a special file to be included in xoops root of the error handling page.

The News
The Tutorial
The Download files


Error 400
Error 401
Error 403
Error 404
Error 500

Customizable to your liking.

TXMod Xoops

Displayname hack

ARKGM  04-Oct-2010 14:02  4077 reads   3 Comment(s) 

there are some webmasters still using XOOPS 2.2 even though XOOPS 2.4.5 has been released. And this is because of something that is only in XOOPS 2.2: Displayname.

So I've created this hack which will let you add Displayname to your website.

This hack support english and persian languages and...

Adding autoscrolling jCarousel to the random horizontal ...

mariane  14-Aug-2010 14:41  9315 reads   1 comment 
hello Xoopsers,
to add an attractive look to your Xoops website, it's necessary sometimes to make many hacks to some blocks, especially pictures one.
In this participation , I will let you know how to add autoscrolling jCarousel to the random horizontal block of extgallery module.

I took the effect...

Xoops reCaptcha class v1.00 beta

Catzwolf  25-Jul-2010 05:00  5937 reads   17 Comment(s) 
What is Xoops reCaptcha?

Xoops reCaptcha is class that will allow users to add and use reCaptcha widget to prevent spam being posted on their website.

This class can be used in conjunction with the Xoops Captcha or it can replace it all together, with just few lines of code.

While this class can...

xoCode: Latest Tweet

Dylian  06-Jul-2010 20:58  5276 reads   6 Comment(s) 
This xoCode extension allows you to show the latest tweet of a twitter user.

How to install this xoCode extension?
1. Download [THIS] archive.
2. Extract it to a local folder.
3. Upload the contents of the "htdocs" folder to your XOOPS root directory.

- You can change the styling of the...

Add "Yahoo Video" in module MyTube

kris_fr  25-Jun-2010 21:07  7426 reads   6 Comment(s) 
Changes to achieve :

/***** language/yourlanguage/main.php *****/
add line 211
define'_MD_XTUBE_YAHOO''Yahoo' );

and add line 61
<strongYahoo:strongflashVars="id=color=#FF0000mycodetoput"(voir le code embed)small
<strongViddler:strong http://www.viddler.com/player/color=  
« 1 (2) 3 4 5 ... 11 »


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