Libyan High National Elections Commission selects XOOPS for their new Website

After XOOPS was selected over several other competing CMS solutions to power the new Website of the Libyan Ministry of Defense, another high profile institution in Libya has selected XOOPS - this time the Libyan High National Elections Commission!

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As in the previous case, they felt that XOOPS provides the best combination of features, security, and support. They also liked the modular approach of XOOPS, and the ease of adding new functionality by installing additional modules. And they felt that with the continues development of new XOOPS versions, there is a guarantee that XOOPS will be around for a long time.

As in previous case, it is thanks to the hard work of Mowaffaq and his team from, who were able to successfully demonstrate the value of XOOPS, and address all the questions from the technical stuff of the High National Elections Commission.

We are very proud that XOOPS has been selected by national, state, and local governments around the world, like State of Parana in Brazil ( or Tainan County in Taiwan.

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WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter # 45 (April 2012)

WOX - World Of Xoops

Welcome to the April 2012 issue of WOX (World of XOOPS) Newsletter  (see here previous versions

It's been a while since the last issue, almost a year, but things have been hectic around here, we had some turbulent times that kept us busy, and there are only 24 hours in a day But we hope that we'll be able to get back to our regular monthly cycle.

The most important thing is that XOOPS development is going forward, with XOOPS 2.5.5 Final released this week. This is the best XOOPS version ever, with several bugs being fixed.
In parallel to working on XOOPS 2.5.5, the Core Team has also worked very hard on cleaning up and refactoring of the Core as the foundation for XOOPS 2.6.0, and you'll see the results soon. Just to give you an idea about the magnitude of the work that especially Trabis did, is the fact that the current XOOPS 2.6.0 Core, which is still in the pre-Alpha stage, already runs on PHP 5.4 with NO SINGLE error in E_STRICT mode. If you want to check out the source code, you can download it from our SourceForge SVN, but be aware - this is a "pre-Alpha" code and a lot of wrong things can happen, and a lot of things are missing.

The current focus is on improving quality and streamlining the source code so we have a solid foundation for the future. There was just too much PHP4 and old XOOPS related code that got accumulated over time, and we needed to get rid of all this "baggage"  

So XOOPS 2.6.0 will be our focus for the upcoming months, as well as finalizing our Basic Module Pack, with all the module sharing the same "look & feel"

The key to make all of this happen, is to have enough developers and contributors. So we would like to encourage everybody to ask themselves a question:

What can I do for XOOPS? 
What could I contribute to XOOPS?

We cannot expect that few people will do everything:

- develop Core
- develop Modules
- develop themes
- develop documentation
- provide support
- translate into local languages

By putting too much pressure on them by expecting too much, it will only cause their "burnout" and quitting XOOPS  

We need to create more teamwork and more community spirit by getting more people actively contributing to XOOPS.

Let's make XOOPS a true "Community Project"!  

Recent Highlights:


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XOOPS 2.5.5 Final Released

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.5 Final.

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This release is focused on fixing open bugs and on updating external libraries to their latest versions:

- phpMailer 5.2.1
- TinyMCE 3.4.9
- jQuery 1.7.2
- jQueryUI 1.8.18
- HTML Purifier 4.4.0
- phpThumb 1.7.11
- jGrowl 1.2.6

Since it also includes a security fix, it is highly recommended to update to this version ASAP!

See the Changelog for more details.

Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this Forum

We also need help with Translations using Transifex

System requirements

Any PHP version >= 5.2 (PHP 5.3+ is strongly recommended)

MySQL server 5.0+

Web server:
Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended)

Downloading XOOPS

You can get this release package from the Sourceforge repository.
There are .zip and .gz archives provided.
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[Comercial] Two themes for XOOPS

Hello! I bring two more themes to XOOPS.
xStylish and xStylish Black.

- Slider 3D
- Two Columns
- Animated Menu
- Modern Design

See the online demo:

To purchase please contact me by MP or:

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Enjoy ;)

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Songlist 1.11 - Hyme or Karaoki Song List

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Songlist 1.11 - Hyme or Karaoki Song List

Songlist allows you to place songs with associations of category, artists, genre & album into a database. It then allows for them to be searched on and voted for purposes like a karioki list. Songs based on a XML File can be imported. This is ideal for anyone wanting to compile a list of song, of course the module can be modified to make other modules and was written for an anonymous doner from

Complete with browse by character and search, song list allows for a paginated display of songs, albums or artists which have been either manually or through and XML File imported. Perfect for anyone wanting to maitain a karioki play list.

Some Features Include
  • Adjustable Memory and Time limites for large data masses
  • Categories with Child relationship
  • Artists List with Song Association
  • Albums with Artists and Song association
  • Genre with song association
  • Singing Type (Solo/Duet)
  • Song Request email and notification
  • Search based on Song Title or Lyrics
  • Blue room

Bugs Fixed
  • SEO Fixed
  • Warnings & Notices
  • User Pagination
  • Database Optimization and Indicies
  • Code Bottle Necks
  • Templating Issues
  • Import Feature & Limiter
  • Singer Filter in Search
  • Categories for artists
  • Category Images

Download: - 267Kb
Sourceforge: - 267Kb
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TwitterBomb 1.31 - #Twitter #API #Application for #XOOPS 2.5

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TwitterBomb 1.31 - Twitter API Application for XOOPS 2.5
Community Release by EPICentre TV

Twitter Bomb allows you to place segments of a tweet into a database, and aggregate via services like tweets based on a sentence formed from a matrix of basis of sentences. You will be able to run a campaign on twitter and have your sentences randomly made from the segments of sentences known in this applicaion as the 'base' of the phrase.

Since this version there is also now five type of campaigns you can run, either a phrase bombing, or a scheduled tweet, search and retweet, search, mention and reply or mention and reply. You can import a list from a text file or log file, where each line is periodically tweeted on twitter as per your schedule. Including tabled filters for easy use and maintence as well as harvesting plugins that allow you to develop with TwitterBomb to retireve information from other sources like API, databases, text files, SOAP ports or many other places like modules on your website.

TwitterBomb 1.31 is the new Final Production Release, we don't expect to be doing anymore releases of this application which is XOOPS 2.5 compatible as it is full of features and has all the nessecary details for expansion with plugins but after this we will be migrating to the module class wrapper making it only 2.5 compatible.

There is a mirade of options with this application. You can specify URLS to pass someone too included in the URL can be the phrase in a URL Encoded string so you can direct people to search engines and topics to do with the sentence.

Check out TwitterBomb in action YouTube with this How To Instruction Video:

Production Features Include
  • Search retweet, mention & reply Campaign
  • Search For Mention and Reply Campaign
  • cURL timeout Set
  • Search Results Pages Specifiable
  • Negative & Postive Exception Match Percentiles
  • XOOPS 2.5.x Admin GUI
  • Better Blocks for Retweet, Scheduler and Phrase Bomb
  • Better Cron Timing
  • Better Cron Reporting
  • Indexed Database Tables for efficeny
  • New Block (Retweets)
  • New Campaign (Retweets)
  • New Retweets Admin
  • URL Shortening
  • Mounts as Twitter Application
  • oAuth Classes
  • Following Cron Job
  • Gathering Cron Job
  • Tweeting Cron Job
  • Following Log
  • Trending Keyphrase
  • Filters
  • Tag Module
  • Asiigning twitter usernames to a nick
  • Tweet Scheduler
  • tweet Importing
  • Usage Log
  • Filter Plugins for Tweet Scheduler
  • Logging Plugins
  • Keyphrase Harvesting Plugins
  • .htaccess SEO
  • Exclusive and Inclusive Categories
  • Ban Protection
  • Activity Hit Count & Latest Time
  • URLs for Tweets
  • Part Base of Sentences
  • Campaigns
  • Categories
  • Sentence Makeup Matrix
  • Twitter Usernames

Bugs Fixed
  • Empty Records providing no return of object due to plugins and other factors - Admin Templating Errors
  • Upgrade missing new campaign enumerators
  • Admin Language
  • Duplicate Language constants
  • Missing menu items from admin
  • Installation Bugs with SQL
  • Notices and Warnings
  • Search Twitter Optimized
  • Tweet Cron Optimized
  • Better Search Routines
  • Exceptions on Search and Retweet
  • Cron Endless Loop on Failed Retweet or Tweet
  • Indexes on database
  • Heavy CPU Usage of MySQL
  • Endless Loop in Search Routines (Fixed Retweet and Backend of Cron)
  • Tweet Cron Fixed - Timing Support
  • Config Specification
  • oAuth Actions
  • Cron Jobs
  • User Details MD5 Miscalculated
  • Broad Criteria Selection for Campaign and Category
  • User Additions of Twitter Usernames
  • WSDO on Keyphrase Matrix
  • WSDO on Keyword (Sentence) Matrix
  • .htaccess SEO is inclusive of go.html
  • Category Save on Campaign Trail in Admin List
  • Two Fields missing from SQL File
  • Feed Cache
  • SEO URL for RSS using wrong ending
  • Only one campaign feed showing
  • Missing Twitter Username after @ in feed
  • Language Constants

Download: - 304Kb
Sourceforge: - 304Kb
Comments & Bugs:

Free Theme Sd-088-Business-Red

I'm happy to present my new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-088-Business-Red. The Free XOOPS - Theme was made with friendly help from .

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Here can you find the XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo.

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-088-Business-Red

Here is the direct Download - Link (without registration)

Have Fun with the new Theme!
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Profile 1.76 - Verbose Validation Production Edition (SEO Fixed)

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Profile 1.76
Verbose Validation Edition
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

Profile 1.76 is a version of Profile module for XOOPS that allows for a verbose registration to be done. It also allows for a Speed Test with the Speedtest module to be run before registration for user limits to be placed on internet speed for registering for a site.

This has a field for validation that allows for Text Match, RegEx or SQL Validation to be used to prevent people registering with your website without having validation data of sometype such as an existing email address or an invite code or some regular expression statement.

Featuring still Multiple Fields, 2 Types of validation - one which uses JSON; the other that uses the Field $_POST validation method.

Simply upgrade your existing XOOPS 2.5 to XOOPS Profile 1.76 to experience the difference. We can really recommend XinCodes 1.05 for a user based invitation to be done.

Now with IP Validation so an IP Address can be only used once to register. THis means you can check you are not being signed up by an Indian SEO Sweat Shop and other such misbehaviour in signup.

Example SQL Validation for a basis of pre-existing users email, remember to change 'prefix':

Select count(*) from `prefix_userswhere `emailLIKE "[value]" and `level` > 0

New in this feature:
  • Working SEO - htaccess
  • Complete XOOPS 2.5 GUI

Some Other Features:
  • Downlink Speedtest Controlable of Registration
  • Uplink Speedtest Controlable of Registration
  • IPInfoDB Location Controlable of Registration
  • Upgrade of Recaptcha Resource Files
  • IP Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Proxy IP Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Netbios Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • - Remember to change the API Keys
  • Verbose Validation - SQL or Match or RegEx Match Validation
  • Directory - Browsable directory of users
  • Multifielded User Profiles - Set your own variables

Download: - 204 Kb
Mirror: - 204 Kb
Demo: Pre installed at - rememeber to upgrade the module.
Comments & Bugs:
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Multilingual features of XOOPS - White Paper

Multilingual features of XOOPS - White Paper

Michael Beck (mamba) wrote to me a number of days ago to ask me to write a basic white paper on making use of multilingual features of XOOPS better in modules, as alot of my modules including the Content Module X-Centre as well as the Forum - X-Forum make use of the multilingual centres in XOOPS and will strap with X-Language to allow content based on the language provided.

If you write modules I would encourage you to read this whitepaper it only goes for 7 pages and start to implement something similar in your modules to take advantage of multilingual centres in XOOPS so more modules support the API X-Language and/or other APIs and language centres in XOOPS.


This document will show you how to make your module multilingual and interact with X-Language or similar API for XOOPS to enable content and function of content to be multilingual within the module. The idea for example is to have One URL for many different languages with the same IDs etc so that XOOPS multilingual features can be used in conjunction with your module. In this module I will use X-Forum 5.78 & X-Centre 2.16 as example so you can download the source code and use it as a basis to make your module multilingual as well.

PDF Whitepaper:

Download: Multilingual-features-of-XOOPS.pdf - 192Kb
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FREE XOOPS Design Sd-089-Reisen-Blue

Sinnedesign is happy present the new FREE XOOPS Theme with the name Sd-089-Reisen-Blue. The Free XOOPS - Theme was made with friendly help from .

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Here can you find the XOOPS 2.4 Theme Demo - XOOPS 2.5 Theme Demo.

And here is the FREE - Download Xoops Theme Sd-089-Reisen-Blue

Here is the direct Download - Link (without registration)

Have Fun!
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