Modules: Chat 2.1 Final - AJAX Chat Module for XOOPS
Posted by: andrey3761On 2011/8/13 18:36:46 11931 readsThe final version of a chat 2.1
AJAX a chat for xoops with use JSON.
System requirements:
1) XOOPS 2.5 or above
2) PHP 5.2 or above
3) Frameworks ModulesAdmin
Installation guide:
1) Upload the archive to a server then unpack the files;
2) Install the module via Administrative panel;
3) Set chat access and messages removal permissions;
4) Important: Add the Chat module to your Protector module DDoS attacks exceptions list. Otherwise the module will fail to work.
Key advantages:
1) Messages removal. You can set up messages removal permissions in the admin section. Users may only remove their own messages during the time set in the module configuration;
2) Your own messages are highlighted;
3) Messages sent to you are highlighted;
4) Clickable nicks and time;
5) AJAX chat with JSON used;
6) Data traffic saving module as only the last message is downloaded.
For technical reasons, guests can not enter the chat room. This will be fixed in next version. The next version will show the history of messages and control messages on the admin side.
Coding by andrey3761
Design by MACTEP
Download chat 2.1 Final