Shoutbox 5.01 Final released for XOOPS 2.5.6

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Shoutbox module is a XOOPS module that provides an interactive block and pop-up window for visitors to post and view messages, similar to a chat system.

Originally developed by Tank, and upgraded to Blue Move by Trabis, it has now been updated to XOOPS 2.5.6 Admin GUI, and tested on XOOPS 2.5.6 and PHP 5.5.1

For users of versions 4.x and lower: Classes were added and a lot of the code was rewritten. Database has changed so please do not upload this package over the old Shoutbox module
- Unistall shoutbox
- Delete all files
- Upload new files
- Install Shoutbox

Download: XOOPS File Repository

Requirements: XOOPS 2.5.6

New website

Hello everyone,

I am proud to present you a new website:

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This site is a music label.

It was built with XOOPS 2.5.6 and modules are :

- News
- Publisher
- XoopsTube
- Xsitemap
- Xforms

A big thanks to Tatane for creation of the graphic theme based on BootStrap with a psd file.

In the near future it will be added the ability to listen and download the music of artists.
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MySQLi Connectors for Xoops 2.5.6 and 2.6

MySQLi connectors are now available for 2.5.6 and 2.6. These connectors should be considered as Beta and should not be used on a production server at this time.

These have been designed as a drop in addition to the current MySQL connector.

The current MySQL connector used by Xoops allows Xoops to talk to the MySQL database. This older connector has been around since MySQL version 3 and not only does not support new features of MySQL 4 and 5 but is now officially Depreciated in the latest release of PHP. For now this doesn't mean much to most but means that the current MySQL connector will no longer work in the future.

MySQLi was released to take advantage of the features in the newest versions of MySQL and as such is the direct replacement for the older MySQL connector. I used a script that converts old MySQL code to MySQLi compatible code as my base and went from there. Although I still have some questions for a core developer about some of the code the script created it does run without any known errors.

The use of these connectors is very simple. You download the version of mysqlidatabase.php that you need and copy it to your class/database folder. You then modify the database type in your secure.php file from MySQL to MySQLi and you are on your way.

Both of these connectors can be found in the SVN.

Connector for 2.5.6 MySQLi and for 2.6 MySQLi.

Please direct bug reports to the following thread:
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Panel Kapılar

Corporate Door Company

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Modules are used for :

+ News
+ Publisher
+ Amcontact
+ extgallery
+ Xoops Seo Xorewrite
+ Xoops Version 2.5.5

Powered by Xoops !

Site Address : panel kapı
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[Free] Serenity Orange Theme for XOOPS!

Serenity Orange is a XOOPS theme written in HTML5 and CSS3, and uses the Bootstrap CSS framework, and was developed using the new xTheme Factory, which will be released soon.

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The theme is fully responsive even your 3D slide.

Serenity Orange was developed considering web accessibility, an exclusive bar at the top for this, where the user can browse through the content of your quick links, increase and decrease the main text as well as enable mode contrast to who has difficulty reading.

The theme has navigation shortcuts using the accesskey attribute of HTML, see below:

SHIFT + ALT + 0 = Show / Hide the bar Accessibility

SHIFT + ALT + 1 = Skip to the horizontal menu

SHIFT + ALT + 2 = Skip to the main content

SHIFT + ALT + 3 = Skips to social networks

SHIFT + ALT + 4 = Increase font size

SHIFT + ALT + 5 = Decrease font size

SHIFT + ALT + 6 = Place the source in its default size

SHIFT + ALT + 7 = Turns the contrast

This navigation bar is an initial idea, soon more shortcuts will be added for facilitating the navigation of people who have some deficiency.

You can see the theme online at the following address:



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Lexikon 1.51 Final Released

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Lexikon is a module to create a glossary ordered by categories, with users participation who - among permissions - are allowed to send definitions or request for new entries.

Developed by Yerres, it has been now converted to XOOPS 2.5.6 GUI and tested on PHP 5.4.17

Download: XOOPS File Repository

Please report bugs and issues in this thread

extCal 2.37 Final is released

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extCal is an event/calendar module developed exclusively for XOOPS.

The version extCal 2.37 Final is now released for XOOPS 2.5.6. It's been tested on PHP 5.4.17.


- small changes for PHP 5.4
- fixed: removed today's events from "upcoming events" block

Download: XOOPS File Repository

Please report any issues or bugs in this thread
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XDGreenCor: template FREE for Xoops

Xoops Demo is pleased to present to you last Xoops theme.

This Xoops theme two columns is based on the Framework BOOTSTRAP.

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It is compatible Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera.
It is responsive

For this theme, we have customized:

• Block User Menu
• Block Main Menu
• Block connection
• Creation of a bar "Social Networks" with transition effects CSS 3
• Notification Sound MP

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You can see here and download here
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Mylinks 3.11 RC4

This is an RC release, please do not use it on a production site!

Mylinks is a XOOPS module that allows an administrator to create a series of website links. The module provides the ability for other users to submit sites for inclusion in the list which can be monitored by the administrator and then approved if desired. Additional information about the module (features, changes since last production release, important information) is available in the Mylinks 3.11 RC2 Ready for Testing news article.

This is intended to be a short release cycle before 3.11 FINAL. Please test the RC4 changes as soon as possible to verify the problems identified in the RC3 release have been corrected.

Code changes since v3.11 RC3:
  • fixed category image display bug
  • changed editor selection to use XOOPS Preferences editor
  • changed error handler since XOOPS ErrorHandler class is deprecated in 2.5.4+
  • changed shot (thumbnail) provider to use classes:
    - added Heartrails thumbnail provider
    - added PagePeeker thumbnail provider
    - added ShrinkTheWeb thumbnail provider
    - added Thumbalizr thumbnail provider
    - updated Nemui thumbnail provider
    - updated Thumbshots thumbnail provider to new API
  • removed duplicate _AM_MYLINKS_IGNORE in nederlands translation

  • Special appreciation to those in the community for your assistance in testing the RC4 release

    Backup your existing site before installing/upgrading any new XOOPS module.

    Download: Mylinks 3.11 RC4

    Bugs/Feedback: Please post in this thread in our Forums
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    Tutorial: add a nice frame around your pictures

    The summer is here and it's time to publish news with your holidays pictures in your web sites...
    Here find a new tutorial for improve your design, more modern, more pro.
    i Hope you will like it...

    In fact, we would add a white frame aroud your pictures with an shade effect.

    Resized Imagelook at the result here before ! ======> After !Resized Image

    OK, let'ssss go for this tutorial :

    1) Add a new style in the css files

    Open and edit your style.css file in your theme,
    located in /themes/my_theme/css ou /themes/my_theme
    and add, at the end this code :

    /* Couleur ombre de la photo */ 
    box-shadow5px 5px 20px #404040;  
    /*    Effet cadre vielli, pour photo noir et blanc style ancien */ 
    /*    border-color: #f5eac7; */ 

    then save it and upload in your web site.
    You have just done the harder work in this tutorial. Yesss !!!

    2) Erase cache of your browser

    Just to do for the 1st time.

    3) Use this new class with a picture

    3a) Basic Editor (Textarea)
    See 3b)

    3b) XOOPS Editor (DHTMLTextarea)
    In bbcode, it doen't work. We can't add a class in a bbcode.
    If you work a custom block; choose Content Type : "HTML".
    Then insert you picture like that :

    3c) TinyMCE (v3)
    - Click on the button "insert picture",
    - Type something in the fields "URL", "Description" and "Title",
    - Click on the tab named "Apparence" and choose for the field "class", in tke list, "img-frame" then ok

    So, Easy, no ?
    Don't hesitate to test yourself !!!

    To continue to work deeper :

    - Modify the color of the frame (here white), by a "old yellow" for black and white old style for pictures,
    - Modify the color of shade,
    - Modify the direction of the shade,
    - Modify the width of the shade,
    - Finally, we could add dynamic effects (zoom in for exmple on hover) but be carreful, not too effect, please...

    If you like our tutorial, tell it us.

    PS : Kris said (in that we could use a an existant class in xoops.css :
    class="pad10 boxshadow" but the effect is not the same, but so easy to use, no need to change the css style.
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