News: New TSW released (1st time Xoops included!)

Posted by: MosesTycoonOn 2003/6/11 3:04:29 4359 reads
Dear Xoopsers-

This evening I have released my latest version of TSW [The Saint WAMP]. TSW is a multilinguale (english/german) WAMP-Installer-Routine like Foxserv, or Appserv, only better

The reason for that is the shipped Xoops 2.0.2

Other components are:
+ Apache 1.3.27 which is for controlling Apache2:
+ Apache 2.0.46
+ PHP 4.3.2
+ PERL 5.8.0 (806)
+ MySQL 4.0.13

The distribution has also a FTP-Server integrated and several other components (Applications & Webapplications)

As mentioned above, Xoops is one of the new features in this version 2.5

Joker @
(The download is for registered users only, but this is free and doesn't hurt :)