Modules: MyHeadlines v4.2.1 Now For Xoops!!!

Posted by: magarOn 2003/6/11 3:04:53 7005 reads
The much anticipated release of MyHeadlines v4.2.1 is now complete. The downloads are online. Here are the highlights:

Template Layout System - Now MyHeadlines is fully customizable! As the admin you have easy access to the raw HTML of the MyHeadlines output and can skin the module to match your site's theme.

Sections - MyHeadlines now supports the creation of static news pages where the site admin may group multiple sources together. This is quite similar in nature to the Business or Sports sections of your local news paper.

Improved Graphical Interface - The more recognizable "plus / minus" interface replaces the campy "\__" ASCII art of the previous versions. This also fixes nasty UNICODE artifacts if your local language is a 2 byte system (Asia, and others)

Blogger API and RSD Support - This is the number one requested feature since the birth of MyHeadlines.

Find A Source - Allows for searching for sources from the massive 20,000+ database of RSS feeds over at Syndic8.