XOOPS: 2009 XOOPS Annual Report

Posted by: XoopsCouncilOn 2010/4/28 22:50:00 7100 reads
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The preliminary 2009 Annual Report, incl. the financial results, is now available (click here).

It is "preliminary", because we want to certify the financials by an outside auditor, so everybody from the XOOPS community, especially our donors, can feel comfortable with the results.

Transparency has been always our top priority and an external audit will guarantee it. Once we get the audit done, we'll publish the report as Final.

Since last such Annual Report was published for 2007, we also included in this addition the 2008 events and milestones.

In 2011 we'll celebrate 10 Year Anniversary of XOOPS! Therefore let's use 2010 to make major improvements to our beloved CMS, so we can celebrate our Anniversary with a great joy and pride!

Long live XOOPS!

Your XOOPS Council