Posted by: DylianOn 2010/4/24 13:00:00 7001 reads
Name : tinyXOOPS
Version : 0.1
Status : RTT (Ready to test)

What is tinyXOOPS?
tinyXOOPS is a script that automatically downloads the latest XOOPS install/upgrade archive from sourgeforge to your server. And after the archive has been downloaded to your server it automatically unzips it and redirects you to the XOOPS install/upgrade wizard.

What do I need to run tinyXOOPS?
PHP 5.2+ (Lower version may work, but not tested)
- zlib must be installed
- allow_url_fopen must be "On"
- safemode must be off*

And the normal XOOPS requirements

*If you can change the max_execution_time to 0 (unlimited) yourself you don't have to disable safe mode. And if you can change it yourself I advise you to turn it on again after installation.

How do I use tinyXOOPS
1. Download the tinyXOOPS archive from [HERE].
2. Go to your webserver and make the directory where you want to install XOOPS writable. (Windows: Uncheck "read-only" in the directory properties. LINUX: CHMOD 777)
3. Upload the files in the downloaded archive to the directory you just made writable.
4. Open your browser and go to: http://yourdomain.com/yourdir/tinyXOOPS.php
5. Click on INSTALL if you want to perform a clean install and click UPGRADE if you want to perform a upgrade of your existing intallation.
- Downloading and unpacking may take some time, so don't worry if it takes long to load.
6. After the XOOPS files are downloaded and upacked you'll be redirected to the XOOPS install/upgrade wizard, complete this. (Check the XOOPS documentation for help with this)

- After the upgrade/install wizard is finished make sure the XOOPS installation dir isn't writeable anymore. (Windows: Check "read-only" in the directory properties. LINUX: CHMOD 755). And that you remove tinyXOOPS.php and pclzip.lib.php from your server.

What can I expect in future versions of tinyXOOPS
- A nicer layout
- Smaller files
- A (better) solution for the script execution time problem. (if i can find one...)
- And some other things I forgot to mention.

And please remember this is a test version!