XOOPS: Simple-XOOPS to join forces with XOOPS

Posted by: MambaOn 2008/12/3 13:10:00 18815 reads
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We are pleased to announce that Dirk Herrmann (dhsoft), the author of Simple-XOOPS and Administrator of XOOPS Germany, will be joining the XOOPS Core Team to become the Lead Maintainer for XOOPS 2.3, and then the Lead Developer for XOOPS 2.4.

Dirk is one of the most innovative developers in the XOOPS world and has received recently the "XOOPS Innovator" Award for his work on Simple-XOOPS. The XOOPS 2.4 will be based to a big extend on his Simple-XOOPS work.

This will result in some very exciting extensions to XOOPS, incl.:

* Multi-Site Hack (multiple domain / subdomain with one installation)
* Multi-Language Hack (multiple languages with one installation)
* URL rewriting hack, SEO optimization
* An integrated updater for the core and modules
* An installer for automatic installation of modules
* Automatic check for Version Update of core and modules

In November Dirk became the main Administrator of XOOPS Germany, being responsible for support and overall management of the XOOPS German activities.

He is very well respected in the German community, and we are very excited about having Dirk on board, especially with all the the wealth of experience he is bringing to the project. You can read interview with Dirk here.

As a result of Dirk joining the Core Development Team, the current development plan for XOOPS 2.3.x is as follow:

XOOPS 2.3.2* are the security bugfix releases
XOOPS 2.3.3 is the bugfix release
XOOPS 2.3.4+ will be maintenance of 2.3 series

XOOPS 2.4 will be the merger of XOOPS 2.3 and Simple-XOOPS

At the same time, DJ (phppp), while working with Dirk on 2.3/2.4, will be focusing on XOOPS 3.0 development, which is planned to be released in the first half of 2009. Yes, XOOPS 3.0 is coming!

Stay tuned...

As you can see, the upcoming months will be very exciting for the XOOPS community, with a lot of work ahead of us. Therefore we would like to ask everybody to join the Team XOOPS and help us out in making this vision a reality! We need developers, but we also need people who can write documentation, run tests, translate XOOPS in other languages, provide support on the forums. So, please join our efforts!

Remember, XOOPS is Powered by YOU!

In the meantime, Happy XOOPSing!