Themes: Lord of the rings (updated theme)

Posted by: BurningOn 2008/12/3 12:10:00 8633 reads
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Theme name : lotr_v3

• bottom blocks in center column now displayed
• stylesheets put in /css folder
• theme templates put in /xotpl folder
• favicon.ico and favicon.png added
• 2 new theme templates : xometas.html + globalnav-dynamic.html
• css horizontal menu with submenus
• theme.ini added

> theme in action
> download


• how it works ?

2 files :
- globalnav-dynamic.html, called by "include" in theme.html
- globalnav-dynamic.css, called by xometas.html

• how to customize ?
- colors : in globalnav-dynamic.css, modify "color" and "background-color" (4 instructions, see comments)
- links : in globalnav-dynamic.html, modify url with your owns and use module folder name to activate current status in navbar (xo<{if $xoops_dirname == "your-module-folder"}>-current<{/if}>)

Tested with :
- firefox 3
- Ie7
- Opera9

• myWebResource (lotr_v2 version)
• Kris (morphogenesis 2.10 framework)
• M.Reda (XL-one theme)

WARNING : restrictive license for lotr_v2 version