XOOPS Version: 2.4.4
Module Name/Version: system
PHP Version: 5.2.13
MySQL Version: 5.1.46-log
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System: Linux
Theme you are using: Not sure. That's part of the problem
Custom template: (Yes/No) NO
PHP Debug Messages:
MySQL Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Messages:
User Experience Level: Noobie. Just got a book on php from the library, light HTML ability.
About the two zip files:
xoopsmodinfo.zip and xoopsscriptinfo.zip are both empty files, and the links say the file doesn't exist
A full description of the issue:
Please help me. I'm pretty shafted here. I'm having what I think is a theme related problem, but regardless of what it is, I can't see anything but whitepace on my top page. If I go to the admin.php to log in to my administrator account, I get a XOOPS error saying I don't have permission to veiw that page then I get redirected to a blank, white page. I've also tried browsing to user.php but that page is blank as well, and I cn't think of anything else I can do to get a login screen or even the block so I can gain access to my site and try to correct the issues. The worst part of this is, if I wasn't having a theme issue and could see the login block on teh top page, I wouldn't have a problem. (Unless i really SCREWED UP and borked the permissions to that block) I could just log in and fix the issue. BUT, I can't see anything and my usual method is permission restricted.
I still have FTP access to everything, so is there a doument in teh XOOPS system that i can download, modify and upload so I can regain access or maybe change what theme is used (Force the site to use the default theme)? do I need to change a record in the Database?
I'm a Noobie, with just a little HTML under my belt and no experience with sql or php, so please dummy down any advice.
Thank you!