I wasn't for sure where to ask this question...please move it if it is in the wrong area.
I am running 2.3.1 and for some time now I have had visual discrepancies when using the latest Firefox.
If you look at my site
http://www.montgomerycountymonitor.com with Internet Explorer, you will see how I want the site to look.
Viewing the site with Firefox, causes some issues.
For example on the front page the forums block as well as other blocks, are all left justified when viewed using Foxfire.
Also, some of the blocks, when viewed in Firefox have bullets to the left of the text. These bullets are not visible when viewed with Internet Explorer.
My visitors at this point breakdown as follows 80% use internet explorer, 10% use Firefox and the additional 10% is spread among various others browsers.
I have tried many times over the last year to attempt to address this issue, but have been unable to successfully rectify the differences between the two browsers.
Does anyone have any suggestions or is anyone willing to fix the issue for payment?