To get things more clear: IF you have installed xlanguage you can make your content multilingual, but you have to use markup to divide the content for each language, e.g.:
[en]This is english content[/en][de]Dies ist deutscher Inhalt[/de]
This could be a bit exhausting and confusing if you have a lot of languages.
Additionally you get problems when you want to use tinyeditor as content editor (I can speak only for tinyeditor), because the other languages will disappear in the editor.
If you want to use tinyeditor you have to hack yourroot / include / common.php. Instead of
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/xlanguage/api.php';
it has to be
if (!preg_match("/admin/", dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))) include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/xlanguage/api.php';
Just wanted to get things clear!
P.S.: BTW debaser is NOT a good module for writing news, articles etc. The main purpose of the module is to get multimedia files to XOOPS. You COULD use it for writing articles, but there are MUCH MORE BETTER modules for this. Perhaps other developers will not laugh at my coding, but hopefully take it as an inspiration?