AH Hosting, I've never heard of. Yahoo hosting... I've seen some issues with XOOPS sites.
Personally, for low-moderate traffic sites, I use
http://www.1and1.com. They are cheap and they offer a ton of space and bandwidth. My only complaints with them is that they are NOT for someone who needs a lot of support or someone who has a huge site. Their support sux and their MySQL servers are slow, but they give you a ton of goodies, space and bandwidth for the money and they are one of the most secure hosts I've seen.
For moderate-high traffic sites, I recommend a Managed VPS solution. For the lower end of the spectrum, you can get a VPS for under $50/month. I have a higher end package at just <$63/month. For the money, you can't beat it. I have full control, but dedicated support if/when I need help and the support is really fast! I now have an Elite VPS package with
http://www.futurehosting.biz. I've been with them for a while now and I have nothing but positive things to say.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.