This need is made for Multimenu. Multimenu CAN appear as a module on your site, if you so choose. I use it to provide a site map. However, you can make it invisible. For your need what you need to do is create blocks, where the multimenu1 block would serve one group (renamed, of course) and multimenu2 another, and so on. You can even specify whether each group can see the other group's menu. In other words, whole menu blocks, as well as individual menu items, can be made invisible or visible to selected groups. Of course, that only works once users have logged on, so you need to decide what shows up for anonymous users. This could be minimal, with an indication that users need to log on to use the full menu system, etc.
Bottom line, you need to spend a little time figuring out how to use Multimenu. It is a fantastic module.
Barry Cooper
Sweet Home, Oregon