Lest's try again.
When building you website, somewhere you choose which module to use and install.
For example you have XF Guestbook. When switching from swedish to english, in the page : Signera Gästboken changes to Sign guestbook because the english and swedish language files are installed in the module.
But in the menu Gästbok remain Gästbok. That is because in the menu it is the modules name you see in module administration that is displayed.
So you go in the module admin page, you look at the installed modules and you will see that the XF guest book's name is Gästbok,. You edit the name (it is under the module icon) to :
For the block titles, you go to the block admin oage, look for the block you want to chage the name and do the same.
An d you will have to do the same for every swedish entry you are making.
You will also have to make sure you have the english and swedish language files for each module you are using, you checx this in the module/xxxx/language directory.