Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/10/31 20:18

  • rdonato

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2005/1/31

I know this has been asked but I have yet to see a solution to the problem. When I upgraded to XOOPS 2.0 my users now get the infamous "Why am I being redirected here?" page. If they immediately re-enter their credentials they log right in.

Of course the only thing that has changed is been an upgrade in Xoops. I am now at the highest level 2.2.3 and I still experience the problem.

I would even accept a solution to bypass this error and just force it to use the credentails again and logon. It becomes a support issue having to explain to a few hundred people to just "try again".

Anyone have time to figure this out or provide a workaround it would be much appreciated.


Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/11/14 3:21

  • rdonato

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2005/1/31

How do I get someone in development to help pursue this issue? I cannot get anyone in the support forum to answer?


Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/11/14 6:10

  • barryc

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 480

  • Since: 2004/3/20

I posted this earlier, but apparently it did not upload.

I just want to echo your observation. I have been rebuilding my site under 2.2.3. On the latter I have the same problem. When I log in I get the "Why am I being redirected" page. Even so, I am still logged on and can access admin pages, etc. If I change my password, the first time I log back in it does not happen, but does with subsequent log-ins. On my system this is not a software firewall issue, because it happens when I have no software firewall running on my machine (a Mac running OSX 10.4). It seems that this message can appear as a "false alarm" and it is very annoying. I don't feel that I can go public with my 2.2.3 rebuild until it is solved. Core developers, PLEASE take a look at this. We at least need the ability to turn off this option. It would be better if the problem could be diagnosed and fixed.

Barry Cooper
Barry Cooper
Sweet Home, Oregon

Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/4 5:08

  • rdonato

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2005/1/31

Flame me all you want but someone please address this. I can't believe that no one in the development group will even comment. This is a major problem for me.

Thank you

Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/4 9:39

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

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check the FAQ section.. search the forum.. check keywords in search block search for have to login twice..

check mainfile.php url to see if it is correct.. does it have www. at the beginning..

search login problems etc.. look at troubleshooting FAQ etc this information is widely available if you look for it..

you posted at around 3am in the morning uk time, that's early morning europe time, and late night/early morning usa time.. most of the developers tend to be in bed then, they have families, kids, social lifes.. i'm not sure where you are from but if you want quick support you're not likely to get a dev at that time of the day.

there's 100's of posts a day on here and threads easily get pushed further to the bottom and get overlooked. just politely bump a question if need be, preferably at a peak time of the day when devs are more likely to be online. which is why we encourage you to search thoroughly beforehand.

Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/4 15:54

  • rdonato

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2005/1/31

I appreciate your reply and concern. The reason for my frustration is that my post is over a month old and has been politely bumped twice. It is also one of a few threads with the same topic that has gone unanswered for quite a while. I have searched and played for a while which is why I've asked the experts on this forum to help me out. I am not a developer or get really technical with PHP coding. I am at a novice level when it comes to XOOPS and an error/issue like this that is readily reproducable by several people should be in my opinion looked at and dealt with especially for the novices out there like myself. It seems to happen after an upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2.x and lingers. I never encountered it in 2.0 versions of XOOPS but have encountered it everytime I've upgraded as have the other people who have asked for help. This is actually my second thread on the same topic so I am a bit needy of help.

If you are of that level I am more than willing to give you admin access to my site to help troubleshoot the issue. It occurs on every login and is very confusing to my users.

Thank you


Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/10 2:17

  • X_oops_fan

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  • Since: 2005/12/5

I am seeing the "Why am I being directed here" screen on the first login attempt on every computer I have tried on the site. This occurred only after the 2.2.3a upgrade. While there is an easy workaround to just ignore it and click home, the message is confusing to people logging into the site. When firewall settings work just fine for every site folks visit, why should they have to downgrade their security in order for XOOPS security to work?

Is there an easy way to loosen the security so that this message doesn't come up? I would prefer to take on a greater risk of hackers rather than have the site go less used.

Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/10 17:13

  • X_oops_fan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2005/12/5

Thanks mOnty! The FAQ section has a simple one line fix for disabling refcheck. It worked great with 2.2.3a. I am new to XOOPS and didn't realize where to look first.


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