Re: I get php error messages, otherwise seems to work ok.
  • 2005/12/22 2:29

  • X_oops_fan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2005/12/5

No responses yet, so I wondering if this os a very difficult question or just not a good question?

Is my configuration unusual? I am considering a few options after already reinstalling and getting the same result the second time.

1. Install an earlier version and try an upgrade
2. Try debugging the php in more detail
3. Trying version 1 Apache installation in the hopes that it may be more stable.

I would appreciate any suggestions.

I get php error messages, otherwise seems to work ok.
  • 2005/12/19 7:17

  • X_oops_fan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2005/12/5

This is my first site installation on a local computer for development, though I have other non-development XOOPS experience. This is likely a newbee misstep. I would appreciate any ideas to hep resolve the error messages.

Used Appserv for WAMP installation. Basic site seems to work ok except for error messages.

Website URL:

XOOPS Version:
XOOPS 2.2.3 Final

XOOPS Theme:

XOOPS Template Set:

PHP Version:

MySQL Version:

Server Software:
Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.1.1

User's Browser:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

Theme you are using:default
Custom template: (Yes/No)No
PHP Debug Messages:See below
MySQL Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Messages:
A full description of the issue:
New installation on local Windows development server. Get the following error messages (with php, smarty and SQL debug turned on):

Notice [PHP]: Object of class XoopsUser could not be converted to int in file C:AppServwwwXoopsclasstheme.php line 442
[PHP]: Undefined indexxoops_module_header in file C:AppServwwwXoopstemplates_c%%69^69E^69E9FF75%%themeadmin.html.php line 35
[PHP]: Undefined indexxoops_lblocks in file C:AppServwwwXoopstemplates_c%%69^69E^69E9FF75%%themeadmin.html.php line 74
[PHP]: Undefined indexxoops_showcblock in file C:AppServwwwXoopstemplates_c%%69^69E^69E9FF75%%themeadmin.html.php line 92
[PHP]: Undefined indexxoops_showrblock in file C:AppServwwwXoopstemplates_c%%69^69E^69E9FF75%%themeadmin.html.php line 176

Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/10 17:13

  • X_oops_fan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2005/12/5

Thanks mOnty! The FAQ section has a simple one line fix for disabling refcheck. It worked great with 2.2.3a. I am new to XOOPS and didn't realize where to look first.

Re: Another "Why am I being redirected here?" issue
  • 2005/12/10 2:17

  • X_oops_fan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2005/12/5

I am seeing the "Why am I being directed here" screen on the first login attempt on every computer I have tried on the site. This occurred only after the 2.2.3a upgrade. While there is an easy workaround to just ignore it and click home, the message is confusing to people logging into the site. When firewall settings work just fine for every site folks visit, why should they have to downgrade their security in order for XOOPS security to work?

Is there an easy way to loosen the security so that this message doesn't come up? I would prefer to take on a greater risk of hackers rather than have the site go less used.



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