Need help figuring out what module to use....if any?
  • 2005/6/24 4:15

  • Sangdrax

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2005/6/22

Hi folks,

I've done a bit of looking and can't seem to figure out how to get something done on my site. It's a gaming guild site.

I figured out (with the help of m0nty) how to make a php script appear in a block.

I have multiple scripts that I'd like to show in the center of my site.

What I'd like to be able to do is select a link from the main menu....aka "guidsomething or other". There I'd like to be able select what script to display in the center of my site.

I hope I'm being clear. Basically...I have scripts to describe all kinds of stats for my guild. I need to have a way to access these scripts from the main menu.

Thanks in advance for any help

Re: Need help figuring out what module to use....if any?
  • 2005/6/24 6:42

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 291

  • Since: 2004/12/7

Check this link out....


You can include your individual scripts in the new module folder and use the 'sub menu' fields in xoopsversion.php to display the various menu links for the various scripts...

- In menu is a link to "guildsomething or other"
- when you click on it, a sub menu of links appears under it.
- each of those links would link to the seperate scripts (php files) that you will include in your new module.
- Just set the path for each file in xoopsversion.php

**be sure to include the 'includes' shown in the index.php with each individual script page**

the individual script pages will assume the style sheet associated with your theme etc. Quite a nice system

if it looks too complicated, just try it as a simple, single page first...once you get that to work, adding to it and expanding it becomes nuch easier

Happy xoopsing!
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Re: Need help figuring out what module to use....if any?
  • 2005/6/24 6:51

  • kgmetcalfe

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/3/24


try xroster or team - might be what your needing...

for an example


left hand side - mp roster...


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