Check this link out....
https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=280You can include your individual scripts in the new module folder and use the 'sub menu' fields in xoopsversion.php to display the various menu links for the various scripts...
- In menu is a link to "guildsomething or other"
- when you click on it, a sub menu of links appears under it.
- each of those links would link to the seperate scripts (php files) that you will include in your new module.
- Just set the path for each file in xoopsversion.php
**be sure to include the 'includes' shown in the index.php with each individual script page**
the individual script pages will assume the style sheet associated with your theme etc. Quite a nice system

if it looks too complicated, just try it as a simple, single page first...once you get that to work, adding to it and expanding it becomes nuch easier

Happy xoopsing!