Why does Xoops have such a problem with correct counts?
  • 2005/6/22 18:38

  • SoSweet

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/6/7 1

This is getting aggrivating and I am wondering if these two problems might be in some way related.

The first problem we have is with incorrect counts in our WF downloads area. Read WF-Downloads Showing (0) instead of a text category for detailed information.

The second problem has to do with proper post and topic counts in the NewBB (v.2.0.28) when a suforums is used.

In the main index board if a forums has no subforums we get correct Topic and Post counts.

If we add a subforums under a forums then the topic and post count will read 0


Resized Image

Once you have selected Roller Coaster Tycoon Discussion Area in the above example then the topic and post counts show correctly

Resized Image

I hope this is enough information if not please let me know. Moon hawk and I are in the same site so anything he adds is from the same site and problem.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Re: Why does Xoops have such a problem with correct counts?
  • 2005/6/22 18:42

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

because the top forum counts posts and topics from that forum only..

the sub forum is classed as another forum and counts only the posts and topics in that forum. (i think this is ok for the forum)

however in the downloads module i can understand y it's an issue.

Re: Why does Xoops have such a problem with correct counts?
  • 2005/6/22 18:52

  • SoSweet

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/6/7 1

Thanks again for the quick reply m0nty. It actually is an issue in our forusm because we have so many versions of the same game and subforums are necessary to be able to keep it straight withouth having a forums list a mile long.

If there is not a solution to resolve this to show it then we have to create catagories out of our forums and forums out of our subs.(I hope not)

Thanks again



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