Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?

I stumbled across a pretty strongly worded statement about chat apps at Surpasshosting. I fully understand the reason.

I have several sites at Surpass (no chat) and am happy there. I've been running another site on a standard DSL line (3M/800K) with no problems for 1.5 years. This other site has FlashChat which I only use occasionaly and usually schedule when used (no anon access). Never a problem and you'd never know I was on a slow upstream line even when it gets busy.

I am wondering if anyone has been able to run FlashChat without getting Surpass upset.

Re: Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?
  • 2005/2/11 14:23

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 3337

  • Since: 2003/10/24

can't say for sure, it's a resource hog, but like u said depending on the amount of users..

could you email kayla and ask her?

i will be going with surpass soon myself altho i don't think i'll require a chat script, but it's worth knowing just in case..

Re: Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?
  • 2005/2/11 15:23

  • Arowana

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 323

  • Since: 2004/8/6 2

I took a look at Surpass's packages and at first I thought wow they are very close to my current host I should check them out.

Right now I have shared plans and want to go to reseller. My current host does not offer reseller packages.

My host is Web Hosting Buzz.

Service has improved over the last two year I have been with them and they have always lived up to everything their websites states and a whole lot more.

The biggest factor for me was the add on domains from Surpass cost you money OR is limited. I am sure they are going to they dont overload their servers etc etc. I have only seen Web Hosting Buzz overload one of their servers, it was two years ago and they gave me a free month of hosting for a few hours of downtime while I was sleeping anyways. The bottom line here web hosting buzz offers UNLIMITED add on domains totally FREE. On most packages they are cheaper then Surpass and their service is worth every 84 bucks a year I send them (I have a few of these account and they are all the biggest packages they offer.)

You might want to check them out, in the longer run you can save a lot of dough and since most of the people here are about free open source why not the best deal too.

Now I sound like i work for them

Just check it out I dont know if the give refferal or not but if they do please state xoaclan if you happen to remember.


Thanks Again for your time

Re: Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?

Thanks for all the info but it has nothing to do with the question (FlashChat). I'm not looking for hosting options, I can run servers on anything.

I use their OC10 reseller package but I don't resell. I put a few selected sites under the plan and the cost per site is very good.

So, I'm *not* looking at competing hosting sites. I ask about FlashChat on a Surpass account.

Re: Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?

Did anyone ever find any info on this. I have a customer that needs a chat script, and flashchat would be the best option. I have a surpass reseller account.

Re: Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?
  • 2006/2/12 0:30

  • surpass

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 29

  • Since: 2004/5/18

Hi everyone ..

Chat programs are a tricky subject. I like to think a webserver is best at serving web pages quickly and properly. :) When you get into chatting, those are little pokes at the server over and over. It sort of flows into why we limit POP checks.. and any kind of request to the server really. Requests add up and hinder the major services on the server. But... I think there are quite a few accounts running FlashChat that I have witnessed so far, things seem to be ok with it. I'm guessing they have a small amount of users? I am not familiar with FlashChat and I'm not sure how it works exactly.. but I will check it out now definitely.

Even though we do not allow chat programs, I am very sure there are chats here and there that we do not know about, simply because they actually are running quietly and we are not getting any complaints, nor are we seeing references to them in the logs. You could say that we do allow them, that is until they cause an obvious problem. Each server is different due to the unique accounts residing there, so each server can handle varied processes. We do not actively run crons that search for certain file names and disable them or anything like that. We just handle issues as they appear.

We do have to put that section about chats in our TOS for when we *do* have to suspend an account temporarily due to server overload the chat creates...

Re: Anyone use FlashChat on Surpass?

Hi Kayla right?

Thanks for the info. My client would have a maximum of a few people in chat at any one time, as it is not the main feature of the site, just an option for a few users requiring it. From what I've read on the flashchat site, things start getting dodgy at around 20 users. This site would certainly not have that many users at any one time. From what you have said, I'll give it a go at setting it up. Obviously if you detect the site as a high resource site then the chat script would be removed streight away.


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