I've gone through the forums and can't see to find an answer to this problem.
I have a user that emailed me today and told me that she couldn't post to forums. It was giving her this error message:
Could not insert forum post
Insert topic error:INSERT INTO xoops_bb_topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, forum_id, topic_time, poster_name, approved) VALUES (0, 'Reintroduction and Hello!', 422, 42, 1098216760, '', 1)
This woman had problems at the beginning in signing up. However, eventually, she got registered.
Today, I had her make sure that my website was added to her firewall program. I also deleted her profile/account and reset it up for her myself. She got the activation link, activated it and went to the forums to post. She still can't post.
She is the only one that responded to me that she was having this problem - so it's got to be something on her end, I would think. I've had numerous other postings today without any problems. Does anyone have any ideas on what else I can do to trouble shoot this with her?