A solution to fix the error : Could not instantiate mail()
  • 2004/7/21 9:20

  • hervet

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2267

  • Since: 2003/11/4


I have just spend many time to solve this problem.
The notifications was not sent, there was always an error.

In the email preferences, I have keept : php mail()
BUT I have specified an smtp server, user and password.
And this time, all the emails are send correctly.
The strange thing is that my php.ini was correctly set.


Re: A solution to fix the error : Could not instantiate mail()
  • 2004/9/29 21:49

  • marook

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 89

  • Since: 2002/9/9 1

Hmm, I can't get the error message to disappear, but the emails Are send!

I get:
Could not instantiate mail()
Kunne ikke sende mail til jakob. (DK translation)

The Bad Thing™ here, is that it generate an error when people try to register.
"Sorry, we could not send you the activation email...", but people do get it...

What's going on here, and is there something I could do to debug it? PHP Debug on?

Re: A solution to fix the error : Could not instantiate mail()
  • 2004/9/30 16:12

  • hervet

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2267

  • Since: 2003/11/4

May be someone better than me could give an answer ... ??

Re: A solution to fix the error : Could not instantiate mail()
  • 2004/12/14 19:38

  • Booth

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 74

  • Since: 2002/6/13

I am having this problem to with bulk emailing members.

Here's an example:
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to melbafish60.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Birty.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to heythatsnoway.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to H.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to matt.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to neil_procter.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Scone.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to al.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to dav.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to kelly.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Toni.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to johnny.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Wak.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to BigBadBal.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to monkeyhavoc.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Salva.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Phil.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to wanna_b_a_star.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to ScottishWench.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to gonadchimp.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to fattt.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Sue.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to mike.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to fog67.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Werner.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to scutter.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to hamdynada.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to darth.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to BeeEmm.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to clonedemo.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Guest.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to linkup.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to garth.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Jon Williams.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Paul Gordon.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Tim Paley.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to haggis.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to JoeO.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to hdslvnchrg.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to kenji68.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to lynnepem.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Scof.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to mem76.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to maria-elena.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to MrPatrick.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to 2Funky.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to LilMsMason.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to TalcumTurner.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to HaZ.
Could not instantiate mail()
Could not send mail to Matt Hunt.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


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