Does anyone know whether any more work has been done on addressing the automatic placement of 'http://' at the start of new inputted download links?
David (the previous poster) has been very helpful and assured me that a workaround has been looked at by Liquid, but that was about a week ago, and I've not heard anything since, but he did say it was easy enough to change.
The trouble is that because I can't input downloads into the XOOPS system (I've got all the catergories in place ready) it is holding up the development of our site enormously and I'm really getting stick for it!! If anyone knows which areas of the module to change just for now) to get round this please could they let me know (preferbly by PM because I'm working away at the moment and don't always get quick access to Internet)? I tried changing the http:// string values in the module to the default server name (\\servername) but I just messed the module up, so put it back to normal for now.
Thanks guys