Re: The future of XOOPS?

MVC is what is being taught currently in school so ADR must be relatively new. We had extensive work in an MVC Java based environment last year and I expect it to be pushed further as I finish my degree. Doesn't mean schools can't be a little behind especially if the professors are not familiar with it either.

But in any manner. MVC, or whatever similar structure would be much better than the current structure.

As to modules... There really are significant changes that need to be made to them to take full advantage of 2.6. Things such as Smarty 3, Services Manager, Doctrine, Composer just to name a few...

So really, modules need to be better configured so they can be more easily updated to take advantage of what 2.6 has to offer.

Re: The future of XOOPS?

A couple more notes about MVC that we worked on in class...

The idea was that any one of the portions could be replaced with totally different code that had the same entry points.

This also makes things MUCH easier for unit testing as well as we had to demonstrate in our projects.

For our first MVC project we had to make the code work with a GUI and with a console based text output. It was a pretty complex program and it had to work equally well in either View...

Then we could take our Model and totally change the functions in another project and make it do something totally different with the same Controller and View.

It made the power of MVC very visible and made it make a lot more sense. If ADR is capable of this then I certainly wouldn't be against it either but the main point is that the change to the structure of the module makes for much easier testing, maintaining and updating.

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/5/22 1:06

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

If ADR is capable of this

Please read the articles I've provided links to - they are very good! And it's a good learning...
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Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/5/22 7:37

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Make an API with Samin

Julio, you totally confused me with this
I thought, that Samin is something like FRAPI, i.e. a API Framework to generate API.
But when I googled for it, Google couldn't find any "API Samin". Only through extended searches I finally found out that you just misspelled the name, and that it should be "Sami" without the "n", and that it was not a "API Generator", but only API Documentation Generator

In this case, we already have it for over a year, and we even created a special Website for it: http://api.xoops.org/

There you can find two API documentation, generated with:

a) Doxygen
b) Apigen

The Apigen version has a nice overview of Namespaces that you were interested in.

FYI - as far as RESTful web services libraries, Richard was looking at Guzzle.

I hope, this addresses your suggestions, but also provides a good way to learn more about the XOOPS 2.6.0 architecture.

Also, regarding modules: once Eduardo integrates Common Utilities into Core, his modules will be available as "native modules", and we might use them as the "official modules" (with appropriate function to import data from existing modules), or convert existing modules to the new GUI standard, or mix of both. One way or the other, we should end up with some very cool looking modules!
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Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/5/22 16:03

  • JulioNC

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 239

  • Since: 2004/10/8

Thank you so much for all the information you have provided.
Also, I so appreciate all of the information you've provided below which I will review and.

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2015/8/25 14:08

  • Dante7237

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 295

  • Since: 2008/5/28


Also, regarding modules: once Eduardo integrates Common Utilities into Core, his modules will be available as "native modules", and we might use them as the "official modules" (with appropriate function to import data from existing modules), or convert existing modules to the new GUI standard, or mix of both. One way or the other, we should end up with some very cool looking modules!

Anxiously waiting on this. I really like the look and feel of the bXpress forum module, but installing a framework for a single module isn't what I feel is the ideal way to go. I will fiddle with NewBB until 2.6 and the integrated Common Utilities are ready.

Re: The future of XOOPS?

5 years later. Still no new modules or themes. Everything I see was released in 2008. Heck, I would be happy if somebody would go to the module repository on SourceForge and got some of the good old modules working again.

Does anybody even know how to make modules for the latest xoops release? And if so, why aren't they making any?

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2020/1/14 16:20

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20


when i read your words, i know now that you had not spent more than 5 minutes to search...

Ok, you are tired to search,
i can help you :
just see here for NEW modules with XMF functionnalities :

Core : https://github.com/XOOPS/XoopsCore25

Themes ?

Dev ?
XMF : https://xoops.gitbook.io/xmf-cookbook/recipes
Sample button : https://github.com/ggoffy/XoopsDevelopersTalk

new Site : https://www.monxoops.fr/
All new technology, full boostrap4, Hi tech, dev.
Need to wait 1 or 2 months
We works very hard on it

So, sure, all dont go like we want, but we work hard !

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2020/1/14 23:45

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Everything I see was released in 2008.

As Alain mentioned, it looks like you either looked in all the wrong places, or didn't look at all

It's enough to look at the News:

a) Modules
b) Themes

Almost all of our development is happening on GitHub, so you need to look there, e.g. Modules:
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: The future of XOOPS?
  • 2020/1/15 6:55

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 545

  • Since: 2010/12/27


but in one point I have to agree with safeinsanity:
If you click on "Downloads" you see only "old" modules and themes, and as new user I am looking first on home page, not on github.

Maybe we (the core team) should find a solution :)



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