Skins can always be converted with time and patience..
That they can.

I went to check out a couple on mamboportal, and I didn't see a theme there that can't be done on XOOPS.
I agree, for the most part. The exception being advanced content placement. You can produce something that looks similar, but won't have the same flexibility.
There are a lot of themes for XOOPS, but a lot of them are from up-and-coming designers (myself included in this category). Mambo has a lot of themes designed by seasoned designers. At one point I had a library of over 100 free themes for Mambo that were really impressive. That was before I decided to put more effort into XOOPS.
My comment regarding flexibility in themes is more at the code level. XOOPS can be hacked to provide close the the flexibility in layout that Mambo has, but adminstering that flexibility with XOOPS is a bit of a trick. Granted, most people do not need that level of flexibility. 5 block positions is more than enough for the average user. However, it's a limitation in XOOPS that, IMHO, holds it back a little (but only a little).
I'm working on some hacks that will provide for more content placement options, but progress is painfully slow since I don't know php.
As far as eCommerce goes... I'm sure XOOPS will have a viable eCommerce solution in the near future. Until then, take a good look at the features available through PayPal and 2CO. You can develop a seemless eCommerce site just by using their readily available tools. With a little imagination, a little research, and a little effort, all things are possible.

For XOOPS 2.0.13, there are already a slew of upload utilities available, both backend and frontend. Search the forums, the module repository and Google. You might be suprised.
Just so nobody gets the wrong impression.... I'm not bashing XOOPS or promoting Mambo. It's a matter of no one tool works best for every job. Loyalty is good. If I had to choose to only use one, it would be XOOPS. But there are times when you have to balance loyalty with what is going to produce the desired result for the given situation.
Just my $0.02
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.