Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/2 12:56

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I was wondering if XOOPS could turn into a multisite cms, to create multiple sites, each site having its independant modules and admin interface, with just one core of xoops.

Similar as Typo3 or as I recently found Nukehall, I´ve tried Typo, it is very complicated but seems to have a solid structure as a multisite cms, not sure if Nuke hall is as multisite as says it is, just starting to check it out now.

Am I way off my mind or could this be a posiblity for xoops?

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/2 13:46

  • oddb0d

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/23


There's a thread here covering running multiple instances off one install.



Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/2 14:00

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

After reading the above suggested thread, doesn´t seem to be what I am looking for. From what I could understand of it those multiple sites would share tables meaning I would have a bunch of sites pointing to the same content.
When I meant creating multiple sites from one core, those multisites should be unique and not share information with one another, being each independant in content and administracion of it´s modules, being the XOOPS root the 'super user' which controls all.

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/2 14:35

  • oddb0d

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 56

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I haven't tried it myself yet (but plan to) however as all the database information is stored in the mainfile.php then having seperate ones means you can point each instance at a different database, thus seperating the content for each site.

Having just moved three sites to a different server and changing the database names in the process, I can vouch for the fact the only place instance-specific information is held is in mainfile.php (although my uploaded images are not there as the paths have changed so need to sort that out!).

Disclaimer: I might be wrong



Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/5 9:20

  • reynaldo

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/2/13


Just do a search for "multiple sites" or "multisites" or "multi-sites", you will find a thread started by me with some interesting ideas.

I'm running XOOPS from multiple websites sharing only users.

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/5 12:52

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

I can see a very interesting investigation running with those who could use XOOPS as a multi-site interface.
I think something that would make XOOPS more powerful is to integrate the multiple-site configuration into the administracion panel. Having one super user with the main full administracion and directly from admin create other sites with their own database and own administracion to which you could add specific modules to each from the main super user control panel; using one core of XOOPS and one full set of modules.

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/3/5 13:20

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

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I'm using one Doc Root of the XOOPS code to serve several sites. These sites are completely independent logically (I haen't done any code mods), but share available modules and themes. I use a single database with different prefixes, but it's also quite easy to have seperate databases. I have also shared several tables between the sites by using Linux hard links of the MySQL data files, but that's optional.

The changes I made were to mainfile.php and Apache's httpd.conf. If you want details about either file, PM me with your email address and I'll send you some code.


Re: Could Xoops be this...?

This sounds interesting dheltzel - could you post the code here?

Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/9/15 2:17

  • dheltzel

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 164

  • Since: 2003/1/8 1


Mithrandir wrote:
This sounds interesting dheltzel - could you post the code here?

I added to the Wiki page written by someone else: http://wiki.xoops.org/wakka.php?wakka=XoopsAndVirtualHosts

The example is on a RedHat Linux system with named virtual hosting in Apache, but it should be enough for a sysadmin to get a good start.


Re: Could Xoops be this...?
  • 2004/9/15 3:42

  • jmass

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 524

  • Since: 2003/12/18

I see where you are going dheltzel. The idea seems pretty simple. My question is why?

What does the Multisite bring that running multiple sites in different virtual sites dosen't?

I host several sites on one RH box. Each with it's own DB and own core files. The only disadvantage I can see is in updating the core. I have to copy it multiple times (I script this so no real prob).



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