Hey all,
I'm looking for a module that can manage a large number of flash advertisements. It would be just like the XOOPS banner system except it would publish it's content to a block.
It wouldn't need a "client" system where you sign up clients and then add ads to their "account" or anything. All it would need to do is add advertisements to the database.
- Can accept HTML/Flash
- No fixed banner size (or if it has to be limited, 120x120)
- Randomly choose an advertisement each time the user loaded the page
- Cacheable so it's only updated every -x- minutes.
- Select number of ads to show in the block
I think that about covers it. It doesn't need to be fancy at all, just able to handle the above.
I plan on using this to rotate content advertisements for content within my own site. For example, I'll make a flash for a map I have reviewed and when you click the ad it will take you to the review. Basically I'm looking for an in-site promotional block.
Thanks for any help, getting this in a few days would be great but I know everybody's busy and nobody's really getting paid for this, so seeing it happen at all would be wonderful.