chrisis wrote:
I would agree with basie. I am on the whole impressed with XOOPS over all the other CMSs, and frankly, newbb as it stands has features that most other BB systems don't have. I LOVE the threaded view, and I love being able to reply to particular posts, instead of just tacking my reply on to the end. Plus the whole way that bbcode has been setup is awesome.
The only thing I miss is better "take me to the new post since my last visit" bookmarking.
In my opinion, phorum (cf
http://www.phorum.org) is the best bb system, even if it doesn't have avatar, or other graphics or user's points that displays in each post for each poster...
all these 'embellishments' make your forum more slower, less professionnal,posts are x kilometers long (too large boxes), if you use it in business environment.
What lacks for me in newbb : that capability for anonymous in a post to give a name, without to be logged: anonymous post became less.. hum... anonymous (!), and increase global activity in your forum...
Not to say that XOOPS forum is bad (can I criticize when I do not participate at this project?), not to say that newbb2 don't have these features (not tested it yet), but let the teams a chance to finish their work, sure that Predator, on a beach, is coding somewhere all last line codes....
keep cool...