What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support]
  • 2004/7/11 23:47

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19

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Please, the name is "XOOPS BRASIL" , not "UNDERPOP XOOPS"!

Only some host companies with commercial interest in XOOPS call this site "underpop"...


Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 0:08

  • lucastds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2004/2/20

Maybe the title was changed because there are more than one XOOPS community in Brazil. I know these ones:

- http://www.xoops.net.br (general discussion about Xoops)
- http://www.xoops-br.blogspot.com (translation discussions)
- http://www.xoops.net.br (general)
- http://www.xoopsbrasil.com (a "live archive")

I agree to these changes done by Xoops.org staff on the name of this community. I think that it's better this way.


Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 0:11

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19


lucastds wrote:

- http://www.xoopsbrasil.com (a "live archive")

a "live archive" with XOOPS Brasil data base??? using the same same?!?!?!!?!?!?

The data base of XOOPS Brasil (with more than 18.000 users) was stolen, a "new" site was created, they are using my account with all my private messages. need more?

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 0:16

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19


Mikhail Miguel wrote:

lucastds wrote:

- http://www.xoopsbrasil.com (a "live archive")

a "live archive" with XOOPS Brasil data base???

The data base of XOOPS Brasil (with more than 18.000 users) was stolen, a "new" site was created, they are using my account with all my private messages. need more?

The xoops.org staff agrees with it??
What is the reason to change the name of the Brazilian support??

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 0:38

  • lucastds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2004/2/20

According with what I know, you created a new portal (xoops.uni.cc) with the same database of XOOPS Brasil and gave it to members Gisa, Salomão and other I can't remember. They just moved it to a new domain and a new server, because the old one was off.

Robbery accusation is something very serious. Take it easy.

Well, but it is not the point. Changing or not the title of the link in Local Support section won't change many things. It's irrelevant.

Please forgive me if I make you angry.

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 0:43

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19

I understand, you still dont know nothing about it, Lucas...

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 2:06

  • Anonymous

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Mikahil wrote:
a "live archive" with XOOPS Brasil data base??? using the same same?!?!?!!?!?!?

The data base of XOOPS Brasil (with more than 18.000 users) was stolen, a "new" site was created, they are using my account with all my private messages. need more?

lucastds wrote:
According with what I know, you created a new portal (xoops.uni.cc) with the same database of XOOPS Brasil and gave it to members Gisa, Salomão and other I can't remember. They just moved it to a new domain and a new server, because the old one was off.

Robbery accusation is something very serious. Take it easy.

Well, but it is not the point. Changing or not the title of the link in Local Support section won't change many things. It's irrelevant.

Please forgive me if I make you angry.

Mikahil wrote:
I understand, you still dont know nothing about it, Lucas...

I tired of this subject. I suggest a exclusion of http://www.xoops.net.br subdomain until a moment when brazilian community of XOOPS it will mature enough.

Don't worry. The brazilian XOOPS users can find efficient brazilian communities using a google search.

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 2:13

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19


Valker wrote:
I suggest a exclusion of http://www.xoops.net.br subdomain

dear all, this is the target of XOOPS Brasil lobby...

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 2:13

  • lucastds

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2004/2/20

Valker, you are right.

We don't need "official communities" on Brasil. We just need COMMUNITIES. Thats all.

Re: What is happening? The name of BRAZILIAN SUPPORT was modified without reasons! [Local support
  • 2004/7/12 2:21

  • Mikhail

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 412

  • Since: 2003/1/19


lucastds wrote:
Valker, you are right.

We don't need "official communities" on Brasil. We just need COMMUNITIES. Thats all.

so why change the name of XOOPS Brasil on the list of official XOOPS support websites?


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