Starting almost a year ago, I began to have problems with people not being able to log-in / register. I didn't know what the problem was, but eventually found out that it seemed to be something that Norton AntiVirus or other anti-virus / firewall software was running. I told people to disable NAV or adjust its settings to allow them to register, and that seemed to satisfy people for a while, but then recently again I've been getting people mailing me to say that even though they have completely disabled NAV, they still get the message "Could not register new user" when they try to register. Some of these people are fairly intelligent people in the webdev industry, and seem to think that XOOPS is offering a cookie or something else that is being blocked by their firewall, etc. They say that they are able to register on and use all kinds of other sites, etc., and I'm at a loss as to what it could be.
Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here? Does XOOPS offer or send out anything to the client machine that could be catching on firewall or AV settings?