I've been debugging the problem and found something to go wrong in common.php at the line:
$url_arr = explode('/', str_replace(str_replace('https://', 'http://', XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'), '', 'http://'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'].$xoopsRequestUri));
After execution of this line $url_arr[0] contails 'http:'. It tries to find the module 'http:' which of course doesn't exist. I've changed $url_arr[0] to 'system' and now get the 'Site preferences'.
In the database the only row in the xoops_modules table is an entry for the 'system' module. Changing $url_arr[0] to any of the other modules, gives me the 'Selected Module Does Not Exist' text again.
Because there's no comment in the sources, I'm not sure what the 'explode' should deliver. My quess is that it should return the parameter ater the '?' in the URL, but I can't be shure.
I've left the debugging 'echo' statements in the sources. YOu can look for yourself. Go to
http://www.paulsinnema.com and login with 'admin' and 'testing'.