I just thought I'd let everyone know that they might want to steer clear of the current release of WF-Sections v2.0.1. I don't think Catz is associated with this version because it is very buggy.
It is listed as being the "...long awaited first full release of this module."
See the download section of the site.
But I'm not so sure it should be used as a final stable module. I have found it to be very unpredictable, buggy and actually fairly difficult to set up. It's almost as if Catz gave it over to a new team and they simply released it without fixied the existing bugs.
I've been using it now for a couple of days and I have already found the following problems:
- In order to hide a section from appearing in the main menu, you can't simply choose
no in the "add section to main menu". First you have to choose
yes, then save your changes. Then you go back to the section configuration page, choose
no and save your configuration. Then it actually listens to you...
- The author's avatar doesn't appear in any of the pages. Neither in the article or in the author's block.
- When writing an article it converts any XOOPS code to html, and usually does this poorly. There are usually lots of formatting errors in the resulting html code.
Linked path &
Links and Select Box do not appear to provide usable navigation options. If you choose them they do not allow the user to actually navigate anywhere. They appear to be incomplete code.
- Turning off the "Add copyright to articles" option does not work. WF-Sections will add the copyright to all the articles no matter what you choose.
These are just some of the "glitches" I found that I began to document. There are lots of other little bugs and glitches that I have run into the last couple of days that didn't make this list. Overall, this "release", IMHO, is not useable in a production environment. It runs like it's still in Beta testing and is buggy.