powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/29 8:21

  • erivy

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2004/5/29


I am new to this script and I found this is a really fantastic and awesome script!!

My question is, can I removed the statement "powered by xoops" on the footer? the reason is that I don't want my competitor to copy my idea :)

I saw few post on this forum discussing about the copyright issue, so,I just want to confirm is it allowed?

Thanks in advanced! :)


Re: powered by xoops

You are free to do with XOOPS whatever you want to do. Including removing the footer image.

The only thing you cannot do is remove the credits in the code itself (but since they are not ever visible to the user, there's no real reason to do so)

Re: powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/29 10:00

  • erivy

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 12

  • Since: 2004/5/29

wow! thanks for your super fast reply! thanks for your advise :)


Re: powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/29 16:24

  • tl

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 999

  • Since: 2002/6/23

My question is, can I removed the statement "powered by xoops" on the footer? the reason is that I don't want my competitor to copy my idea :)

Well, the truth is that it is really not hard for a competent competitor to figure it out.

But as Mithrandir has pointed out, you can do whatever you want, except removing credits and/or selling the package as your own.

Re: powered by xoops

As long as the credits are intact, you can package and sell XOOPS for as much as you like.

The question is whether anyone will pay for it, when it is free for download on this site

Re: powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/29 16:36

  • tl

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 999

  • Since: 2002/6/23


Mithrandir wrote:
As long as the credits are intact, you can package and sell XOOPS for as much as you like.

The question is whether anyone will pay for it, when it is free for download on this site

Once there was one person inherited a web site from someone else who designed and created the site. This poor fellow tried to figure it out what version he got.

This "someone else" went to the extreme removing all the credits and most likely had charged for the codes as well.

You never know.

Re: powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/29 22:04

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Charging for freely availabel Open Source Software = Foolish

Charging for installing, customizing, and maintaining said software = Good Business ;)

I've started a small side business installing and customizing XOOPS based sites. All copyright notices are left intact in the code and due credit is given on my site.

If this side business ever grows to the point that I can afford it, I will be making donations to the XOOPS project. However, at this point, it only provides enough to cover my hosting and misc. expenses for other ventures; therefore, all I can offer is my time and experiences.

Re: powered by xoops

I never said it was smart Just that it is perfectly legal, if the credits are kept intact and the source code is delivered with the product.

Btw. I may have a few projects to hand over to you, if you have the time for it. A customisation project and an upgrade project. Interested?

Re: powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/31 4:38

  • newbbs

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2004/4/19

Hi all. I changed that line ONCE but can't for the life of me remember HOW I did it! I thought I was in admin mode and edited ... what?

Much thanks.

Re: powered by xoops
  • 2004/5/31 10:55

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

>> Log in
>> Go to the Administration Menu
>> Hover over the System Admin Icon
>> Click on Preferences
>> Then click Meta Tags and Footer
>> Edit the Section under Footer

Some themes have the copyright notice hard coded into the theme.html or right in the graphics. If the above steps do not remove the "Powered by..." notice, look in the theme.html code and check your images.

Hope this helps.

Mithrandir wrote: Btw. I may have a few projects to hand over to you, if you have the time for it. A customisation project and an upgrade project. Interested?

Yes, I would be interested. Please see your PM for my contact information.


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