I have searched through the forums and I know this question has been posted. The replies couldn't help me with hacking into the core codes of the members registration. Can some experts post here the steps and the files involved in adding new fields into the registration form.
I have tried the changes below but it still says "couldn't add to database":
[b]1. registerform.php[/b]
(line 33)
$pets = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['pets']) ?$myts->makeTboxData4PreviewInForm($HTTP_POST_VARS['pets']) : "";
(line 79)
$reg_form->addElement(new XoopsFormText(_US_PETS, "PETS", 26, 25, $pets), true);
[b]2. register.php[/b]
(line 191)
$newuser->setVar('pets', $pets);
[b]3. kernel/user.php[/b]
(line 77)
$this->initVar('pets', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, false, 45);
(line 522)
added [b]'pets'[/b] after [b]'url'[/b] and added [b]%s[/b] in the sql insert statement
and of course inserted the 'pets' field in the MySQL database.
Thanks in advance.