I have a few questions regarding the modules that came pre-installed with Xoops.
First, the "mydownloads" module. Is there any way for me to get rid of the sub-menu that it creates in the main menu, such as removing the links "Submit", "Popular", and "Top Rated"? If there is, please do let me know how to go about doing it -- I'd greatly appreciate it.
Secondly, for the "news" module that also came pre-installed on Xoops, is there any way for me to get rid of the submenu "Submit News" and "Archive"?
Or, if you know of a module that would allow for me to post news but doesn't create submenus and allows anonymous users to post their names and comments for each article, please post the name and/or the link of the module.
Thirdly, with the "partners" module which also came pre-installed on Xoops, is there any way for me to stop it from pixelating the graphics? For example,
http://www.stupider.net/main/modules/xoopspartners/. As you can tell, the button is all pixelated. The original button size is 88x31 and is located here:
http://www.stupider.net/linkme.gif. Is there any way to edit the code of this module or something to stop it from doing this?
Lastly, does anybody know of a module that would allow for me to have a block for PayPal Donations or would I have to create my own block for that?
I am sorry for making this so long, but I am so eager for making my site fully in Xoops.
Thanks, in advance, to anybody that helps out!