Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 11:03

  • Bassman

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2003/5/23

geez, that's sad.

All the best Catz, you will be missed around here. :(

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 11:19

  • tl

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 999

  • Since: 2002/6/23

Catz, you will be missed and good luck in all your future endeavors.

Hope XOOPS dev and community will continue the development of Catz' excellent modules.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 11:37

  • EyeKeeper

  • Quite a regular

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whatever may be you points, have good luck with your future aims!!!

You'll be missed over here!

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 12:30

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Herko to the rescue! By the sounds Herko has talked to Catz and has at least gotten him to reconsider hist position.


I tell ya what, there has been a big lump in my throat since Catz called it quits. Hopefully Catz is given rope to do what he does best with his team leader position.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 12:32

  • Tocpe

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 127

  • Since: 2004/1/28

Herko made this announcement, this morning. I really hope Catz comes back. His WF-Sections is the corner-stone to two of my XOOPS sites. And as we can all see from this thread he is really appreciated around here. I for one am very appreciative of all of his hard work. Please come back Catz, we need ya bud.

...lol looks like brash beat me to the punch.

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 12:49

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

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I'm in much the same boat as you Tocpe, a great deal of the work I want to do with my XOOPS sites hinges on the completion of the WF-Section V2 module. I was stressing big time with Catz's "seeya later" announcment, and I have been watching the forums like a hawk hoping that one of the Devs might chime in with a response. Herko (and Catz) are the man, or is that men

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 12:55

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

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Group Hug!

Ok, back off...

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 13:07

  • Dr3vil

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 57

  • Since: 2003/5/10

copied from http://wfsections.xoops2.com

First of all, I would like to give my apologies to everyone for what seems my sudden and rather harsh decision to depart
from Xoops, but the truth be known, this has been on the cards for the last few months now and I feel it is now time
for me to depart and move away now.

I have come to a stage where I do not believe in the direction that XOOPS is taking now and I cannot ignore this
anymore. What was once in my eyes a clear path forward as become nothing but a farce and I have become disillusioned in its
purpose and I do not see this changing.

Just over a year ago, Herko, Neon and I started X-Mode with the aim of taking module development a bit further and
giving developers a central point to develop and distribute their modules. The idea was adopted by XOOPS and at
that time I believed I was apart of something constructive and that would in the end be a benefit to the whole of the
Xoops Community.

These ideas have changed the face of XOOPS over the last six months, in whole, they are essential to the development,
growth and long term stability of what is a an excellent piece of software and I hope that XOOPS gains the stature
that it deserves with the rest of the CMS world.

The initial aim of the module development team was to take the current core module and bring these up to the standards
of the core, in such a way that they used many of the core functions and classes and then, to build those modules on
from there. I personally, believe that just a handful of very talented developers would have sufficed for this
purpose and thus lead by example for other module developers to follow. Well, this has not happened.

I feel that many of the issues regarding module development, which should have been discussed and settled many months
ago, have still not been resolved and it seems to me that there is still a long way off actually being put into place.
To me every stage needs strong foundations to help support the next stage of development and this is clearly not the
case here.

Personally, I feel that a lot more should have been produced than there already has been in the last six months.
I have to give credit to Predator and his team for the excellent progress and development they are making with the
forum (I always said that this would keep you busy). But, apart from that, I have seen nothing to write home about
regarding the rest of the core modules. Personally, I believe if some developers spent as much time writing code as
they did answering non-descript posts in the forums, then things may have been different.

I just feel now that the module development team is setting itself up to fail, and I can no longer just stand there
and watch this happen.

I just think that it is so F**KING ironic that it takes a non-developer like Hsalazar ( No disrespect meant here) to
show everyone how it's done! Well done m8 I think what you have done is utterly fantastic, keep it up.

So on that note, I would like to say a big thank-you to all those people who have in one way or another have contributed
towards all the WF modules, the list is long and you will know who you are.

To the XOOPS Community for making me feel at home with their warmth and sincerity.

To those in the development world core/modules/themes, who have helped me and taught me a lot over the last two years.

Many Thanks



Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 13:09

  • tl

  • Friend of XOOPS

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brash wrote:
Herko to the rescue! By the sounds Herko has talked to Catz and has at least gotten him to reconsider hist position.


I tell ya what, there has been a big lump in my throat since Catz called it quits. Hopefully Catz is given rope to do what he does best with his team leader position.

Catz, please re-consider and come back. Do you need to see a petition list to get you back?

Re: What happened to Catz & Wf-Sections?
  • 2004/5/19 13:17

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Not a very good news.
but CW made his decision and.. we just have to respect it.~

oh well.. Goodluck Catz.. just want to thank you for all the tonnes and piles of contributions you made to the community. ~ Take care there.~


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